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Slowing Down.

This is an announcement: WE ARE ADJUSTING THE SOTD SCHEDULE!!!

Over the past week or so, I’ve been thinking about SOTD as I’ve been reading it and I really feel that in some ways we might be going too fast. If we are really trying to use SMAC (Say Mean Apply Change) while reading our Bibles and using our good friend the TAN man, we need to be biting off chunks of God’s Word that we can chew on throughout the day! Sometimes I feel like the way we broke it up previously, we were missing out on being able to go deep into some of the things we read because we were reading too much.

So, we’ll be passing out updated schedules soon, but for now the up to date SOTD’s will be here on the blog. We are actually going to go back and read through 1st Peter again. If you’ve already read it with us, I’d encourage you to go back and re-read it. I know that God will bless the reading of His Word as we seek to know Him and to live our lives for His glory!