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Help Spread the Gospel in Ukraine

For the past few years, Northpoint has been supporting  Steve Smeltzer, a ReachGlobal Crisis Response ministry leader, with his work in war-torn Ukraine. Now, we have the opportunity to help Steve train Ukrainian teaching pastors and church leaders to better minister to the lost, share the gospel, and encourage the believers during this difficult time.

Here’s what we want to do: collect cards of encouragement for the Ukrainian pastors and their families and raise funds for their training that’s going to take place from October 11 through October 21.

Cards: We want to collect 2 to 3 encouragement notes for each of the 25 pastors and their families. We encourage you to write these cards with your family so that the pastors’ families will receive various messages. We will be collecting cards from September 29 to October 8. You can drop them off in the Church Office, Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or on Sundays in the Foyer.

Funds: Our goal is to raise funds to cover costs associated with the training (meals, materials, books, and accommodations, including housing for the pastors). There are two ways to give toward this project:

You can make financial donations by dropping a check or cash in the offering baskets during Sunday services or at the Church Office from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Make checks payable to “Northpoint Church” and write “Ukraine Mission Project” on the memo line, or place cash in a sealed envelope labeled “Ukraine Mission Project.” To give online, click or tap HERE. Once on our secure giving site, choose “One-time,” “Fund,” “Ukraine Mission Project,” and then complete the process.


All people matter to God; therefore, they must matter to us. We at Northpoint are devoted to the good news of forgiveness through Jesus Christ, the only message of life for the world. We will take this message to those who need it regardless of where that may be. Our desire is that God makes us a church that is moved by the needs of people and motivated to respond with compassion and prizes God’s glory more than anything this world has to offer. Each year, our congregation sends a number of people on short-term missions trips throughout the world and supports a number of full-time missionaries ministering around the globe.

Mission Partners

Pastor Antonio Camarillo (Barnabas Association): Pastor and church planter in Mexicali, Mexico. Active in the Awana ministry

Bruce and Sue Camp: Global leadership development and training leaders in the Philippines and Pakistan.

Hector and Karen Cedillo: International Church Planting

Corona Life ServicesA 501c3 organization dedicated to saving the lives of unborn children by offering alternatives to abortion in Corona, California

Corona Norco Settlement House: Provides Emergency housing, hotel vouchers, and food in Corona, California

Steve and Karen Hydanus (Awana California GoldenWest): California

Don and Debi Isaacs (Awana California GoldenWest): California

Peter and Melanie Morris, (EFCA Reach Global): Costa Rica Peter shepherds and works alongside local partners mobilizing missionaries, equipping leaders, and bringing hope. Melanie serves with ServeLAC, working to equip ReachGlobal missionaries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Lloyd and Nancy Peckham: Bible translator. Teaches Linguistics at Biola

Doug and Cynthia Peters: Doug is an administrator with World Impact, serving in property/maintenance manager, church partnerships, and as a volunteer/group coordinator in Los Angeles. Cynthia is the West Region prayer coordinator

Los Angeles, CA

Steven Phillips (World Harvest/Serge): Church planter in Barcelona, Spain. Teaches at a Bible college

Stefanos and Manon Mihalios (EFCA Reach Global):  The couple develops well-trained national leaders in Greece. They are part of the faculty/staff at the Greek Bible College,  serving the Lord through teaching, administration, and spiritual formation. 

Mission Resources

Evangelical Free Church of America
Reach Global–International Missions

US Center For World Missions

Africa Inland Mission


Send International

New Tribes Mission

E3 Partners

More Information

For more information on Northpoint’s Missions ministry, please contact Megan Cordill at mcordill@northpointcorona.org.