Alaska Mission Trip Portrait Fundraiser- Billy Blakey
For the past six years, Northpoint has sent a team of high-school and college-aged students to Port Alsworth, Alaska to staff the Tanalian Bible Camp for a week. The ministry of the camp is to students from the remote villages surrounding Port Alsworth who have little opportunity to hear the gospel other than their week at this camp. We’re pleased to continue this ministry this year and would love to ask for your support in helping us get there!
To help raise funds for the trip, we’ll be having an Alaska Portrait Fundraiser the weekend of April 15th-17th. We have a number of professional photographers serving on the team who are donating their services for this event. If you need family portraits, graduate portraits, headshots, or even the perfect Facebook profile pic, we’d love to invite you to join us! The sitting fee to have your portraits taken will be by donation and all proceeds will go to the Alaska mission trip. If you decide to donate $50 or more for your sitting fee, we’ll provide to you a DVD with the full-resolution digital files of your portraits as our thank-you for supporting the trip. Prints of the images and digital files (for those who donate less than $50 for the sitting fee) will be available online for purchase and the proceeds will go directly to the trip as well.
You can sign up for a slot to be photographed within the time frames of Friday, the 15th from 6-9pm, Saturday (16th) from 9-12am and 1-5pm, and Sunday (the 17th) from 1-6pm. Slots are going fast and are on a first-come, first-served basis. To schedule your sitting please contact the church office at 951.734.1335, or you can sign up for an available time at the Student Ministry table on Sundays in the foyer!