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So What? – Marti Wiegman

So What?  What difference does all this make?

1 Corinthians 15:58 says, “So, my dear brothers (sisters), be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”

That word for steadfast means motionless.  If you have ever tried to get your teenager out of bed, you know what this word is.  Immovable, firm, unshakeable.

Since the resurrection is true, since there IS a life to come… be a person of conviction who can’t be shaken up, no matter what anyone says, even when tragedy hits.

The word for “always abounding” means to exceed a prescribed number or measure.  The negative side is to stand firm, but the positive side is to be tirelessly involved in the Lord’s work.  Since the resurrection is true, we can live life on this earth with heaven in mind.

And know this…

Nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless!  No moment of time, no drop of energy, no sharing of riches is ever, ever wasted when it is done for the Lord.

We are used to having everything for our pleasure and enjoyment.  Alistair Begg put it this way:

We want a relationship with God so we can use God, rather than obey God.  We are willing to sacrifice an hour of our week for God, forgetting entirely that he holds every breath in his hands.  We think of God as someone who will fulfill all our needs instead of someone to whom we must surrender all our rights.  The big problem in the work of the Lord isn’t burn out… it’s rust!

Always, always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord.  When you are enjoying it, when you are not enjoying it, when life is going smooth and you have an abundance, and when you think you don’t have one more thing to give.  That’s how you live on this earth with heaven – and the resurrection – in mind.