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As a “This Week” feature, from time to time we’ll take a look into a Northpoint ministry. This week it’s Children, with new Children’s Ministry Director, Terilyn Brown:

A few Sundays ago, I shared with the Northpoint kids about how hard it was recently for me to share the gospel with a neighbor who did not even want to hear Jesus’ name. I told them that because I remembered the Sunday school lessons we had been going through in Acts, I knew I had the power of the Holy Spirit in me, that the Holy Spirit would help me, and that I knew Jesus wanted me to tell my friend about Him. I also knew that I did not have to save my friend; God would do that if that is what He wanted to do. Even so, I was still scared. But I knew that’s what God wanted me to do. So just like the disciples so long ago, I did it: I shared the gospel. My friend was not interested then, but I did as was I was called to do. Now I just keep praying.

The cool thing is that after sharing that story with the kids, they remember each Sunday to ask about my friend: Did they bring up God to you Mrs. Terri? Are they still listening to you? Are they still your friend? Are they mean to you? The kids are genuinely concerned about my friend’s salvation … and about me and my attempts to do my part for the kingdom!

The Northpoint kids encouraged me to keep at it with my friend. And the thing is, when they ask me about my experiences sharing the gospel, I have the opportunity to point them back to Acts and the call to make disciples.

The children in our ministry challenge the adults in so many wonderful ways. If you want to be a part of making disciples (and become a better disciple!) in Children’s Ministry here at Northpoint, I am here to guide you to a perfect fit. I know God will bless you and your servant’s heart.

The new Children’s Ministry year begins Sunday, June 2, and there are still opportunities to serve. Commitments are bi-monthly. Stop by the Children’s Table THIS Sunday in the Foyer for more, or contact me at 951.281.2827, or tbrown@northpointcorona.org.

Below are our current great needs that we would love for you to share with you:

  • Nursery – one service, once a month (many slots available)
  • 2s3s – 1st service, odd months (leader and helper needed)
  • 3s4s – 2nd service, odd months (leader and helper needed)
  • 4s5s – 1st service, odd months (helper needed)
  • 2nd service, even months (leader and helper needed)
  • Kindergarten – 1st service, even months (leader and helper needed)
  • 1st Grade – 2nd service, even & odd months (small group leader and helper)
  • 2nd Grade – 2nd service, even months (helper needed)
  • 3rd Grade – 1st service , even months (Sunday school teacher and helper)
  • 4th/5th/6th Grades (together in one class) – 2nd service, even months (2 men small group leaders needed) and odd months (1 man small group leader needed)
  • Worship – 1st service, odd months and even months (leader and helper)
  • Hang Time Playground Patrol from 10:15-10:45 , even months (2 helpers needed) and odd months (2 helpers needed)
  •  All grade/ages substitutes – 1st & 2nd service, even & odd months (helper and leaders)
  •  Craft Assembly Team – every Tuesday on campus Resource Room from 10:00 to 12:00 (Assembly)




Northpoint Church