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Craving Some “We Time”

This weekPastor John hands over the TAGD keyboard to Marti Wiegman, Northpoint’s Director of Women’s Ministries.

Craving Some “We Time”

Dear Church Family,

I spent many of my growing up years in a small town in Pennsylvania near a thriving Amish community. Many of their customs seemed strange to me as a kid:  no electricity, no cars, no “conveniences of this modern world.” I have to admit I was stunned one day at the grocery store when an Amish lady in front of us bought a box of instant Aunt Jemima pancake mix!

But there was one custom of theirs that I always longed to be a part of—it was the way they celebrated the Lord’s Day together. Early every Sunday morning as soon as the sun was rising, we would hear the familiar clip-clop-rattle-rattle as the Amish families made their way to the church in their horse-drawn carriages.  By the time the sun was fully up, the meadow around the gleaming white chapel was filled with a sea of black buggies. And they were all there—there wasn’t a buggy left in town anywhere. The sound of their voices singing could be heard all the way to the road as we drove by.

After church in nice weather, they set up rows of tables overflowing with food, out on the lawn. Adults chatted leisurely as the hordes of children ran around together in their suspenders and wide brimmed hats or flowing skirts and bonnets. Later in the day they would gather back in the church again until the sun began to set. Then it was clip-clop-rattle-rattle once again as they all made their way back home.

I still find myself craving some sweet fellowship with my church family each week.  Acts 2:42 describes the first congregation in this way: And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayer. I believe God has placed a longing in all of our hearts as believers to join together.

That’s why I am so excited about celebrating the Lord’s Day at Northpoint this coming Sunday. It is one of those special opportunities to take part in fellowship and worship in a deeply satisfying way.

  • In our Sunday worship service we’ll join together in singing to our great God, while our own Pastor John returns to preach the Word to us after his vacation.
  • At the conclusion of both services, we will hear the testimonies of some of our youth and witness their commitment to Christ in baptism.
  • At 4:00 p.m., we return for our Annual Congregational Meeting where we will celebrate all God has done during our past ministry year and look forward to what the year ahead will hold. I’m especially excited to see the slide show of the events of this past year!
  • To top the day off, our Annual All-Church Picnic begins at 5:30 p.m. This is a once-a-year opportunity to relax and fellowship together. The church provides the hot dogs while we each bring our favorite side or dessert to share. If you’ve never joined in our picnic before, bring a lawn chair and join the fun and fellowship. There will be games for the kids while we adults kick back and catch up with old friends and make some new ones.

You know, we hear a lot in our world about the importance of “me time,” which is certainly something we all need from time to time. But God calls us to carve out some “we time”—time with our brothers and sisters in Christ, which is vital to our spiritual health.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says: And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

I look forward to worshiping and fellowshipping with you all this Sunday—and every Sunday. You encourage me and challenge me to follow our God more closely than I ever would alone.

In Him,

Marti Wiegman

Northpoint Church