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9.1.2020 + Encourage One Another + No. 1

This week, we are pleased to announce a new blog series at Northpoint Church called Encourage One Another. This blog series is designed to set the vision for our church, encourage and edify one another, and deal with any shepherding issues at Northpoint.

Our current Thursday all-church email newsletter, NP News, has a host of great information about ministries here at Northpoint, including periodic financial updates, updates from the Leadership Team, changes in our weekend services—especially during COVID-19, and even the worship song set for the upcoming Sunday. All of these items are worth communicating. However, it has not had, as it once did, a spiritually encouraging article to open the message. So, rather than add that component back to an already packed Thursday email, we, as the Leadership Team at Northpoint, have decided to send two separate emails each week: Encourage One Another on Tuesdays, and NP News on Thursdays.

What should you expect moving forward? Every Tuesday, Encourage One Another will encourage you, cast vision, shepherd you, or offer you devotional content. Then, on Thursday, you can expect the same NP News with all you need to know to keep you connected with your Northpoint family.

We think this is a good move for many reasons. It was Jesus himself who said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth (and) you are the light of the world” (see Matthew 5:13-14). As members of one another, we are salt and light in a world that is both decaying and dark. We have a message that has the power to change the world. This message is none other than the gospel of Jesus Christ. This gospel is rooted in the cross, where Jesus died for sinners. Furthermore, through the power of the resurrection, we understand that we have a message worth proclaiming to the world, but we also have a message that comes to the world in the context of relationships. Relationships are an important aspect of our proclamation.

Therefore, it is in the church, the body of Christ, that our message is proclaimed, and our congregation is just one local expression of the body of Christ. At Northpoint, hundreds of people find their community, connection point, and service in the kingdom. We are not ashamed about what the Lord is doing through this church, and are excited that we will have another opportunity to write about the impact of the gospel here at Northpoint.

In our first installment of Encourage One Another (E1A), we will begin a series titled, Five Things I Love About Northpoint. We have asked staff and lay members to contribute to this series in the weeks ahead. We hope that this series will not only be an encouragement for you but will provide nourishment for your soul. God is doing wonderful things at Northpoint despite the pandemic, and it is our prayer that we celebrate what God is doing right now.

Pastor Taylor Mendoza
Northpoint Leadership Team

Northpoint Church