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About Us

Our Team

Jonathan Clubb – Pastor of Discipleship, Students

Jonathan oversees student ministries and specifically shepherds the Sr. High and College (Revolve) ministries.


Bill Blakey- Ministry Director, Students

Bill oversees and shepherds the Jr. High ministry at Northpoint.

CaroleeCarolee Jefferson- Ministry Assistant, Students

Carolee serves Student Ministries through her gifts of administration and organization.  Basically, she makes sure that things get done.  If you have questions regarding events or registration, Carolee is the one to ask.

A Message From Jonathan


Hi and welcome to Northpoint Student Ministries!  Let’s face it, life as a student can be tough. Days consist of roaming the halls of a humongous school full of people that are trying to pull you in every direction. Decisions have to be made about homework, activities, what to wear, what to watch on TV, where to spend your time, about… everything! If only there was a place where you could find great principles to guide the answers to all these questions. Well good news! There is, and that’s what Northpoint Student Ministries is all about.  We come together to have an amazing time of fun, games, and singing, but most importantly a time of digging deep into the Word of God to find out how it should affect our lives where we are and guide the decisions we make every day.

Our goal is to come alongside parents and support you in making the most of leading and pointing your students to our great God.  We can’t replace you as parents and are firmly convinced that you are the primary disciplers and mentors, however, we understand that God has given responsibilities to the church as well.  That’s where we come in.

Each year we have loads of opportunities planned for your student: midweek Bible Studies, Sunday morning worship times, monthly events, service projects, amazing winter and summer camps, and much more.  All of these are in place to support you in raising students who understand the gospel and embody biblical Christ-likeness. We believe that there in no higher calling than to have a personal relationship with Jesus and our goal is to cultivate that in any way possible.

This website will help you find information about Student Ministries here at Northpoint and also contact information for Student Ministries Staff. Please contact us if we can assist you, pray for you, or support you in any way.  And please continue praying for not only your student, but for all students here at Northpoint to grow this year in their relationships with Christ.

For the Kingdom,
Jonathan Clubb
Pastor of Discipleship, Students
