God: God made all things for His Glory and communicated with mankind in the Scriptures.
Man:Therefore all people were created by God for His
glory. Mankind was designed to have relationship with God and to have God as the ultimate treasure and authority.
Fall: But every person has rejected God’s authority and has chosen to be self centered and self directed and thus, commit sinful acts. As a result all people are separated from God, justly sentenced to eternal judgment in Hell.
Offer: Yet God offers the hope of salvation. He gives them the opportunity to end their rebellion… to have God as their rightful authority and treasure. Since that relationship with God would be reconciled, the person would live eternally with God in Heaven.
Jesus: In order to give people this reconciliation, a payment was made. Jesus, being God and man, came to earth in order to live, die and rise from the dead. By doing this, all who would trust in Him would find complete forgiveness for rebellion and would be given Jesus’ righteousness. Only when Jesus’ work is applied to a person, can His offer of reconciliation be granted.