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About Awana

Our History . . .

AWANA is an international organization committed to presenting the Gospel of Christ to all who are served and come to serve. An acronym for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”, it originates from 2 Timothy 2:15, where Paul exhorts us all to study the Scriptures, proving to be workmen not ashamed, rightly handling God’s Word. AWANA, established in 1950, was born out of one church’s attempt to appeal to their youth, reaching them with the Gospel message and helping to grow them spiritually in Biblical truth. Since that time, it has spread to more than 18,000 churches worldwide, arriving at Northpoint more than 20 years ago.

Our Club  . . .

At Northpoint, AWANA is just one of many opportunities provided to our church’s youth and those of the community we serve to learn God’s word, live it out, and love others while doing so. The club gathers every Wednesday from September through May from 6:30-8:15 PM.

The children (a.k.a. clubbers) are divided into 4 separate color teams within 3 distinct age groups – Cubbies (2 yrs. pre-K), Sparks (K-2nd Grade), and T&T (3-6th grade) – teams that stay together an entire club year. The club night is broken down into three rotations – Council Time, Game Square, and Handbook Time (Cubbies club night varies slightly from the other clubs). Council Time consists of our large group teaching time where the clubbers corporately worship God and learn the Gospel together. Handbook time is our small group time where color teams work together with their leaders to demonstrate their progress in memorizing and understanding scripture, earning awards, and AWANA Bucks along the way which they get to spend in our very special AWANA Store. Game Square is the time the clubbers work within their color team, participating in games unique to AWANA.

Besides our standard club night, AWANA offers the clubbers opportunities to be involved in club competitions such as AWANA Games and Bible Quiz where our church competes against other churches. In addition, special theme nights and activities are planned such as our Pinewood Derby, Scavenger Hunt, Drive-In Movie Night, and Crazy Hair Night. Finally, the club offers your children the opportunity to share God’s love through several community outreach events planned throughout the year.

Our Staff  . . .

AWANA is staffed with approximately 70 volunteers whose primary purpose is to love God by serving your family. Each color team is staffed with an adult leader and a couple of teen volunteers known as Leaders in Training (LITs). Each leader and LIT have made a personal commitment to Christ and have demonstrated this through personal discipleship and service to God. In addition to the leaders and LITs, the club operates under the direction of a group of experienced and committed directors and secretaries.

Our Mission . . .

To bring God great glory by reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and training them to serve Him.

AWANA Handbook . . .

Click here to download the Northpoint AWANA Handbook