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Akaki Kale Heywet Church


Akaki Kale Heywet Church

Ministry Name: Akaki Kale Heywet Church
Area of Ministry: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Akaki Church: Northpoint has sent a small number of people to visit our sister church in Africa, but the influence has been enormous. The next generation of church leaders and attendees are growing as the Gospel goes forward.

Leadership Training: Do you remember the most influential teacher in your life? Northpoint believes in building influential teachers to grow the next generation in Africa. Jared and Jan Stallones leads a team to Akaki with the purpose of professional development and training teachers. Class sizes range from 70 – 120 students, so having well trained teachers is essential!

Akaki School: Would you like to get involved in Northpoint’s African outreach without leaving Corona? In the next couple of months you will have the opportunity to sponsor an Akaki student to go to school for an entire year for just $100! A small investment in today’s students helps build tomorrow’s leaders.


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