NP All-church Online Assessment
Hello Church Family,
We have started down the path to finding God’s direction for our new lead pastor. Today marks an important first step: The NP All-church Online Assessment of our ministry—past, present, and future. Everyone who calls Northpoint their church home should participate, as this allows God to speak to us through His people. Every voice is important.
Your opportunity to be heard is in the link to the assessment below. Before getting started, here a few points to remember:
1. Please set aside 20 to 25 minutes to pray and work through the online tool.
2. While everyone can participate in working through the online assessment tool, there are just a few questions that apply to a “household” only, and those are completed by one member representing that home.
3. The assessment is also available in a paper version at the Information Center in the Foyer on Sundays.
4. You will see the name “HCIC” on the survey; this is the firm that developed the questions, and nothing more.
5. Answer with how your heart is inclined to respond to the question, as if a friend were asking; don’t fret over what the “right” answer may be.
6. Questions may seem open to interpretation; don’t worry about it, answer based on how you understand it. If you’re thinking that way, likely, others are too!
7. Some questions relate to “our current pastor”; answer based on the current leadership and pastoral team.
Finally, here’s your link to the assessment:
If you have any questions, please seek out one of the elders on Sundays, or contact us by email HERE.
– The Elders