Living the Truth
The Spiritual Disciplines:
Thriving in Life
How do we experience “life and that more abundantly” or “life, and have it to the full”? How does one sustain a vital and vibrant relationship with GOD and others? How can we not just survive in life but thrive? These are some of the questions and concerns that our new series will discuss. We will examine a number of essential topics relevant to the Christian who does not just want to survive, or live at some subsistence level but wants to experience the life that GOD intends for us. We will discuss dynamic ways to fuel our growth. On the other hand, we will evaluate ways that not only do not contribute to our life in Christ, but ironically actually detract from it. Topics in this new series include: life in the Spirit, spiritual gifting, Christian meditation, prayer and contemplative prayer, life in the Word – life affirming biblical Bible study, the life of the emotions – emotional health, the life of the Christian mind, life in Christian community, the life of fasting, and Christian journaling.
You are cordially invited to join us for the class beginning November 11th in Heritage Hall, Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
Lead teacher for the series is Craig Hawkins, Professor at Trinity Law and Graduate School (California Campus) and KKLA talk show host (Sunday nights 10:00 p.m. to midnight).