Prayer Events
The first installment of Prayer Life, Northpoint’s devotional prayer guide to help you read and pray through the Bible in 3 years, is available by clicking here, or at the Information Center in the Foyer on Sunday, where you can also find a 1 year Bible reading plan.
You can also view and download the weekly Prayer Focus by clicking the appropriate date below:
You can also sign up at the Information Center to receive Prayer Focus each month via email.
Prayer Events
Sunday Prayer Team
Each Sunday, all are welcome to attend an hour long prayer time dedicated to the blessing of our Sunday service and ministries. This group meets in the Auditorium Prayer Room at 8:00 a.m.
Monday Men’s Prayer
All men are invited to pray for our church, revival, the advancement of the Kingdom and the leadership of our church on Monday nights. This group meets at 6:00 p.m. on the stage of the auditorium for an hour of prayer.
Wednesday Women’s Prayer
Ladies, the women of Northpoint are gathering after WOW each Wednesday at 11:45 a.m., in the Auditorium Family Room to pray for our church, leaders, search committees, and. … No program or agenda. Come and go as you please.
Missions Prayer Nights
Each time we have one of our mission partners in town, we invite them to join us for a Sunday night of them sharing updates and hopes from their ministry and us praying in response to their updates. This event takes place in Heritage Hall