Sunday Mornings at NP
It’s our amazing privilege in the NP K!DS ministries to joyfully support you, our NP parents, as you shepherd your kids to be complete in Christ! We do that by helping to build a biblical foundation, by helping to encourage a heart of worship, and by helping to develop a witness for Jesus Christ. We offer Sunday Morning Programs for kids birth to sixth grade; a Wednesday evening program, AWANA, those 3 years old to 6th grade; and a children’s choir, Rejoice!, for grades 1-6. In addition to the weekly. In addition to the weekly gatherings, we also take kids to Winter Camp in the San Bernardino mountains each January, and a Vaction Bible School during one week each summer. You’ll find more on each program below.
For more information, please contact Northpoint’s Children’s Director, Terilyn Brown, at, or 951.281.2827.
Sunday Morning Adult Classes
Northpoint offers Sunday morning programs for children from birth to sixth grade during both the 9:00 a.m and 10:45 p.m. services. We break Sunday into two sections: Early Childhood for children birth to kindergarten, and Elementary for kids grades one through six. Here’s what happens for each:
Early Childhood
Both Sundays services are the same for Early Childhood: we offer nursery care for children from birth to one year old, and Sunday school classes for children ages two through five. Our curriculum is from Generations of Grace. With it we go through the Bible every three years to impact the three stages of childhood development from two years old through sixth grade. Our curriculum covers many of the main Bible stories of the Old Testament and New Testaments, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation.
The first and second services are different on Sunday mornings in the Northpoint Elementary ministry. During first service, our first through sixth graders are in a traditional Sunday school setting. We start with all grades worshiping together before breaking into specific grade level classes. In their classes they will go through a Bible lesson, a class worksheet, an engaging discussion related to the lesson, prayer, and possibly complete a craft built around the lesson’s theme. We are blessed to have teachers who are dedicated and committed to your children each week.
Second service is our small group time. As with the first service, we start with all grades together for worship. Then a gifted teacher presents the morning’s Bible lesson. After, we break into grade level small groups to discuss the lesson, to pray, and to share our lives.
As with Early Childhood, we use Generations of Grace to work through the Bible every three years. Our curriculum covers many of the main Bible stories of the Old Testament and New Testaments, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation.
If would like to review our curriculum, please contact Terilyn Brown at 951.281.28271.
Sunday Morning Student Ministries
AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, which is a paraphrase of 2 Timothy 2:15. AWANA seeks to help you in training your children to walk in God’s pathways rather than those of the world. Our AWANA Clubs are part of a worldwide ministry, headquartered in Streamwood, Illinois.
New this year is the AWANA Blog to keep you up to date with all that is going on. Be sure to check the site often.
Sunday Morning K!DS’Ministries
Rejoice!, Northpoint’s Children’s Choir, is made up of kids from 1st through 6th grades. It is a wonderful time for our younger ones to sing praises to God and learn about music. Several times a year, they sing in our worship services. In addition, they put on a Christmas program and a spectacular musical in the Spring. We hope that the fun of these years inspires them to continue on in their love for worship and music, and eventually join the Celebration Choir for a lifetime of serving God through music.
Children’s choir is on a break for the summer, but they will return soon. We will keep you posted!
For more, please contact Sarah Pate at
Midweek Adult Ministries
We love Winter Camp at Northpoint because it always proves be a time for our kids to come face to face with the Lord. Each year we head up to Thousand Pines Christian Conference Center in early January for a weekend away. We design the weekend ourselves; we pick the theme, design the lessons, choose our speaker, and bring our favorite worship band, the El Ninos. This year our theme was Reflection; not as in looking back, but as in looking like. We are loved by God, he chose us to be his, and as we live the life that he want us to, we will begin to see that we will look more and more like Jesus to our world. Reflection.
We know that the weekend comes with a cost that can keep kids from going to camp. But we also know that camp can be an amazing spiritual investment in the life of your child. Knowing that, please don’t hesitate to contact us funds will keep your child from experiencing camp with us next year.
Midweek Student Ministries
For one week each summer, kid’s (and close to 100 adult volunteers!) take over the Northpoint campus, transforming it into a old western town, a space ship, a news room, or whatever we can dream up. Each day during the week, we worship, watch a skit, hear a the gospel through a Bible lesson, enjoy a snack, play games, and share our lives in small groups. We welcome kids from the community! See you this summer.
Midweek K!DS’ Ministries
For one week each summer, kid’s (and close to 100 adult volunteers!) take over the Northpoint campus, transforming it into a old western town, a space ship, a news room, or whatever we can dream up. Each day during the week, we worship, watch a skit, hear a the gospel through a Bible lesson, enjoy a snack, play games, and share our lives in small groups. We welcome kids from the community! See you this summer.