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Sunday Services at NP – Plan Your Visit

What you can expect on a Sunday mornings: We offer two services: in-person, inside the Worship Center and live-streaming on Facebook and YouTube at 9:00 a.m., and in-person, inside the Worship Center at 10:45 a.m. Watch the video below for a welcome invitation from Dr. Tony Chute, our Lead Pastor.

Here are a few more details –

Dresscode: There’s no dress code! Although, the average dress is casual to business casual. Regardless, all are welcome.

Teaching: Our Sunday sermons are series of lessons straight from books of the Bible.

Music: Our music is a blend of hymns and choruses, modern and classics, both slow and fast.

Children: We have a Sunday School program for kids birth through sixth grade during our 9:00 a.m. service only. Children check-in at the NP K!DS Registration Room (listed as the “Conference Room” on the map below). Click HERE for program details.

Youth: Junior and senior highers meet together during the 9:00 a.m. service, upstairs in the Youth Room. (See map below.) Click HERE for program details.

Adult Sunday School:

  1. Firmly Planted is a multi-generational gathering in a small-group atmosphere meeting in the Heritage Hall overflow room (see map below) at 9:00 a.m. Elder Vinoj Zachariah and Mike Rhodes are currently leading this study.
  2. Faith & Friendship is a class for those 60 and above. Taught by Northpoint elder, Elder Steve Flood, the class meets at 10:45 a.m. in the Commons (see map below) to spend time in the Word for the purpose of growing in our faith and deepening relationships.
  3. Living the Truth, taught by Northpoint elder, Craig Hawkins, meets every Sunday, in Heritage Hall (see map below), at 11:00 a.m. Join us!

Questions? Call the Northpoint Church Office at 951.734.1335, Monday through Thursday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Midweek Gatherings at NP – What to Expect

What you can expect at a Midweek gathering:  The heartbeat of how we function together is in, what we call, Growth Groups.  In these Growth Groups, you will find our attempt to genuinely care for each other by providing a healthy blend of learning God’s Word, encouraging our loving of the Lord, and equipping for the living-out of our faith.  If a person wants to be a part of our church, then they need to be in a connect group.  It is the way in which we provide oversight and care of our congregation.  These times are interactive and designed to holistically build us up as a family.

Here are links to five places where you can get connected:

Growth Groups

Women of the Word

Men of the Word

Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Bible Study

We hope to see you soon.  Please email us or call the Church Office at 951.734.1335 if we can serve you in any way!

Northpoint Church