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I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.

Terilyn Brown

Dear brothers and sisters,

Would you please continue to pray for my mom, Carol Kammeyer. It's been a year since she had emergency lung surgery, and at that time was diagnosed with cancer. She has been taking Keytruda treatments every three weeks ever since. The latest MRI showed the many areas of the cancer are holding steady. A week ago she had a bad fall and tore ligaments in her "good" leg. A week later, she still isn't able to put pressure on either leg. Please pray specifically for strength and healing in her leg and for God to continue to hold the cancer from spreading. She consistently tells me how she adores her church family and what you mean to her. I know that God is listening when you talk to Him on her behalf. Thank you for lifting her up in prayer. Terilyn

Received: May 16, 2020

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