Two Kinds of Wisdom
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Sermon Notes
Two Kinds of Wisdom
James 3:13-18
Pastor John Sloan
Introduction: Behind every decision we make there is a driving force or guiding principle, moving us to act the way that we act. There are two of these controlling influences, James says, and they’re starkly different. Complete opposites, really. And our choices, particularly our moral choices, reveal which of these two governing principles we’re being guided by.
What it is:
What it brings:
What it is:
What it brings:
Questions for Discussion & Discovery
1. How is wisdom revealed by “good conduct” (v. 13) rather than deep- sounding answers?
2. What’s the difference between knowing biblical facts and possessing wisdom?
3. What sort of legacy is left by the one who is wise?
4. What is a “spirit of entitlement”? How does it manifest itself in a person’s daily life? Is this something you struggle with? Why or why not?
5. Martin Luther once said, “Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” What do you think he meant? Many people live by a different motto, “Truth is possible, peace at all costs.” How so?
Sermon Slides
Two Kinds of Wisdom
James 3:13-18
Pastor John Sloan
1. “It is quite easy to buy into the belief that biblical maturity is about the precision of theological knowledge … But it must be said that maturity is about how you live your life. It is possible to be biblically literate and be in need of significant spiritual growth.” – Paul Tripp
2. [ONE] What it is: Worldly wisdom is marked by envy: a desire to grasp rather than give.
3. [ONE] What it brings: Worldly wisdom brings relational strife and spiritual slavery.
4. “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.” – James 4:1-2
5. “There is a kind of person who is undoubtedly clever, with acute brain and skillful tongue; but his effect, nevertheless, in any church, is to cause trouble and to disturb personal relationships. It is a sobering thing to remember that the wisdom he possesses is devilish rather than divine.” – William Barclay
6. “Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” – Martin Luther
7. [TWO] What it is: Godly wisdom is marked by grace: a desire to give rather than grasp.
8. “Someone who lives in a humble and wise way will give more evidence of his standing with God than any number of words could ever do.” – Gerald Bray
9. [TWO] What it brings: Godly wisdom brings relational peace and spiritual freedom.