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Sermon Notes – 10.25.2015

Christ’s Heart for the Lost
Matthew 9:35-38
Pastor Brent Whitefield

Introduction: Christ’s compassion for the ignorant and overburdened masses compelled Him both to heal and to teach. He addressed Himself to their physical and spiritual needs in His concern for the whole person. As Christ’s representatives, if we want to do His work, we must know something of this compassion. Cultivating the heart of Christ is the only way to be zealous and effective in reaching the lost.




Questions for Discussion & Discovery

1 What are the best ways to show compassion to the lost in your context?

2. What are some examples of Christ’s apparent reluctance to do healings and miracles?

3. What should I do if I feel indifferent to the lost? Is it really possible to cultivate a disposition of the heart? If so, how?

4. How does regarding unbelievers as “sheep without a shepherd” change your approach to them?

5. What exactly does Jesus mean when he says that the harvest is plentiful? Is it still plentiful?

Sermon Slides

1. Read passage: Matthew 9:35-38

2. 01. Standing in stark contrast to the religious and political leaders of the day, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is our greatest example of compassion in action, caring for the whole person.

Read passage: Mark 6:30-34

02. To teach and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the lost, is to address yourself to their greatest need.

5. “In Jewish literature the “feeding” of Israel is often associated with their being taught the Torah. By this editorial comment Mark indicates that Jesus supplied the spiritual needs of his hearers by teaching; shortly he will relates how Jesus would meet their physical needs by feeding them.” – Robert Stein

Read passage: Matthew 9:37-38

If the shepherdless-flock imagery expresses the desperation of Israel’s situation, the harvest imagery expresses the urgency of this desperation. – David Turner

03. Prayer is a concrete expression of our compassion for the lost.

9. Did not Jesus encourage his disciples to pray in the confidence that the heavenly Father delights to give good gifts to his children? And what better gift could these workers receive than a harvest of the redeemed? God may, of course, choose to raise up laborers where no prayer has been offered; yet the prayer of faith remains a vital means which he ordains for fulfilling his saving purpose. – Knox Chamblin