Big Group Time: JANUARY 24-30
JANUARY 24 –30
There are five challenges for you to do below:
1. Watch and laugh at what can happen when it’s a windy night at Northpoint Church. Then, you will be ready to say our slogan for this Month of January. WHAT TIME IS IT? It’s always a good time for Jesus! Good for you! Let’s enjoy this time reviewing and singing and then, you will be so ready to hear God speak His truth through our teacher today, Mr. Edison.
2. Watch this week’s lesson video outline of
2. This is where the video outline of this week’s lesson, The Holy Spirit Came (Acts 2:1-4, 22-42), should be, but we can’t show it here due to licensing restrictions. However, you can get the video (and all the rest of Big Group Time you see here) through a link in Northpoint’s all-church email, NP News. Click HERE to subscribe.
3. Open your Bibles with your parents and enjoy reading Acts 2:1-4, 22-42
1. On what day were the disciples gathered? (Acts 2:1)
2. What type of sound filled the house where the disciples were staying? (Acts 2:2)
3. Who filled the disciples? (Acts 2:14)
4. What nations were the people in Jerusalem from? (Acts 2:5)
5. Which disciple preached? (Acts 2:14)
6. What did Peter say the people needed to do? (Acts 2:38)
7. How many people believed that day? (Acts 2:41)
Great work, everyone. Jesus kept His promise to send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came to the apostles on the Day of Pentecost. Now that Jesus’ followers had the Holy Spirit, they could begin their work to share the gospel with the entire world . The Holy Spirit came to believers in Jerusalem and God continues to give the Holy Spirit to those who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can share the gospel with the entire world too
It’s time NP K!ds! Go and share Jesus!
January Memory Verses are:
Phillippians 2:3 It is God who works in you, both to will and work for His good pleasure.
Proverbs 3:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you.
For numbers 4 and 5, get your parents!
For our NP Parents:
NP K!DS’ Resources for THIS week:
4. You can read an article, The Holy Spirit Came, written just for this week, by the Gospel Project, that our teachers would have read in preparation for teaching their lessons this past Sunday. It’s insightful, helpful, and encouraging! Please read it HERE.
5. Here are a few activity pages your children can enjoy doing. They come from our teachers’ Sunday school curriculum. Download them by clicking HERE.
It is always a good time for Jesus!! Have a great week K!ds, spending time with Him! We hope to see you on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. But whether or not you’re able to come, please know you are all in your Sunday school teachers’ hearts and prayers all the time.
Miss Terri
Terilyn Brown
Ministry Director, Children
Northpoint Evangelical Free Church
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