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Big Group Time MARCH 14 – MARCH 20



There are five challenges for you to do below:

1. Let’s check out what’s going on in Mrs. Terri’s office and watch some hummingbirds and Buck, the cat. Then, you can get into our bible review and story, by Teacher Debbie and Teacher Mark, and finish by singing about the river of life flowing out of us with Mr. Tri. Keep it flowing kids!🌫

2. This is where the video outline of this week’s lesson,  Paul’s Second Journey, should be, but we can’t show it here due to licensing restrictions. However, you can get the video (and all the rest of Big Group Time you see here) through a link in Northpoint’s all-church email, NP News. Click HERE to subscribe.

3. Open your Bibles with your parents and enjoy reading Acts 16:11-34, and then answer these questions:

1. Why did Paul and Silas go to the river? (Acts 16:13)
2. What was the name of the woman at the river? (Acts 16:14)
3. What happened to Lydia and her household? (Acts 16:15)
4. How did the servant girl make money for her owners? (Acts 16:16)
5. What did the servant girl say about Paul and Silas? (Acts 16:17)
6. What did the girl’s owner do to Paul and Silas? (Acts 16:19)

7. What were Paul and Silas doing while in prison? (Acts 16:25)

8. What caused the prison doors to open and prisoner’s chains to come loose? (Acts 16:25)

9. What did Paul and Silas say the jailer needed to do to be saved? (Acts 16:31) 📣Say it out loud! 

In today’s story, Lydia, the jailer, and many others were saved because they heard the gospel and believed in Jesus. Paul and Silas preached the same message to all people, no matter who they were: “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” Who will you tell about Jesus this day? ______March’s Memory Challenges

2 Corinthians 5:17 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come. 🐦

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace your have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.🎁

For numbers 4 and 5, get your parents!

For our NP Parents:

NP K!DS’ Resources for THIS week:
4. Here are a few activities your children can enjoy doing. They come from our teachers’ Sunday school curriculum. Download them by clicking HERE.

We are so happy more and more of you are able to come on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. But whether or not you’re able to come, please know you are all in your Sunday school teachers’ hearts and prayers.

💜Miss Terri 

Terilyn Brown
Ministry Director, Children
Northpoint Evangelical Free Church
988 W Ontario Avenue, Corona, CA 92882
Phone During Office Hours: 951.281.2827
Text Messages to: 951.642.3222

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Northpoint Church