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Sermon Notes + 7.14.2024


Because I Feared the People
1 Samuel 15
Tyler Van Horssen, Director of Student Ministry

Overview: 1 Samuel 15 shares the story of Saul’s continued moral decline as king of Israel. Saul is commanded by God to devote the Amalekites to complete destruction. It becomes quickly apparent that Saul fails to do so, having spared the best of the spoil to keep for Israel. Ultimately, this failure to obey God comes down to Saul’s fear of the people (15:24). This fear of man, however, is not unique to Saul—it became the natural inclination for all of humankind after sin entered the world. Therefore, Saul serves as an excellent reminder of the dangers of the fear of man; our need for redemption in Christ Jesus, our one true king; and a call to cultivate the fear of God in our own lives, which will drive out the fear of man.



Cultivate the fear of God in your life



1. In what ways do you see the culture fueling the idea of the fear of man? What type of “needs” does the culture promote that can lead to a fear of man?

2. In 1 Samuel 15, Saul had completely convinced himself that he had been obedient to God’s command when, in reality, his fear of man had led him into direct disobedience. The fear of man is often able to disguise itself in good intentions. In your life, how has the fear of man attempted to disguise itself? (E.g., people-pleasing being disguised under the mask of “having a servant’s heart.”)

3. God saw the fear of man and disobedience to His will as a grievous enough sin to tear the kingdom away from Saul. Do you view the weightiness of the fear of man to the same extent God does? Why or why not?

4. What thoughts, feelings, or actions do you prefer to keep in the dark? What do you fear may be exposed about you?

5. The fear of God can be difficult to define because its semantic range varies across the Bible. According to God’s Word, how would you define it? Think through some of these passages: Isaiah 33:6, Job 1:8, Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 16:6, and Proverbs 14:27.

6. Spend some time contemplating the character of God. When you think about who He is, what things move you to a deeper fear of Him?

7. How will you cultivate a deeper fear of the Lord this week?