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Sermon Notes + 10.6.2024



Patient Courage
Psalm 27
Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Students + Adults

Overview: Fear is our all-too-common friend. David likewise wrestled with his fear in the midst of his pain and suffering. Three times in three verses, David tells us about this wrestling. Although we don’t know for sure, Saul could be out to kill David, or Absalom has recently betrayed him. Regardless of the exact historical situation, we know that David is surrounded by his enemies. Throughout the Psalm, David moves from chaotic fear to patient courage. But not just any kind of courage. It is the kind of courage that waits for the Lord. It is the kind of courage that trusts the Lord amid fear. It was one thing to have the courage to face Goliath, and it was another thing to have the courage to wait on the Lord when your enemies surround you. By revealing His goodness, God helps us deal with our relational fears and gifts us courage.

Outline: Three Ways God’s Goodness is Displayed in Our Lives

1. Protection (verses 5-6)

2. Acceptance (verses 7-10)

3. Holiness (verses 11-12)


1. What are your personal fears? If you are in a small group, try to be honest with others. If you are studying alone, write down those fears in a journal or on piece of paper.
a. What kind of physical fears do you have?
b. What kind of relational fears do you have?

2. Read Psalm 27:4 and verse 13. What is the one thing David wants?
a. Stop and pray now that you would have the same heart David has. Ask the Lord to help you rejoice in His presence despite your present circumstances.

3. In verses 5-6, we read of the goodness of God’s protection in our lives. When compared to Romans 8:31-39, what kind of protection does God promise us?

4. In verses 7-10 we read of the goodness of God’s acceptance. Ultimately, we are accepted in Jesus Christ because of His death, burial, and resurrection. Why should we “accept” God’s acceptance of us? What key motivations can we cultivate in our hearts? (Hint: See verse 10, and Isaiah 56:5-8.)

5. In verses 11-12 we read of the goodness of God’s holiness. Why is it so hard to remain holy when we are slandered or wrongly accused? How might the work of Christ speak into this kind of suffering? (See 1 Peter 2:19-24; 3:13-18.)

6. Out of protection, acceptance, and holiness, which one of these brings you the most comfort right now?

7. Lastly, ask the Lord to deal with your fears by beholding His goodness in protection, acceptance, and holiness.

Further Reading: He Did Not Revile in Return: Following Jesus in an Age of Anger | Desiring God