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Sermon Notes + 11.17.2024



Overcoming Fear and Hate
Acts 1:8
Jason Milton

Overview: Acts 1:8 represents Jesus’ last command to us before he ascended to heaven. He calls every Christian to be a disciple-maker, beginning with those closest to us, all the way to the ends of the earth. Despite Jesus’ clear command, lack of evangelism and missions is one of the greatest problems plaguing the church—and the world—today. Why is that? The two main culprits are fear and hate. Fear stops us because we’re afraid that we don’t know enough about God and the Bible, or we’ll be embarrassed, or that people will reject us. Hate is often the unspoken reason we don’t share the gospel. There are some people that we just don’t want to talk to, much less share the gospel with. Yet, Jesus calls us to be His witnesses to all people, not just those we like. Thankfully, Jesus doesn’t leave us alone to fulfill His command. We have the power of the Holy Spirit, and He is all we need to overcome our greatest fears and darkest hates.

01. To overcome fear, remember we are called to faithfulness, not perfection. Our task is to serve as Jesus’ witnesses. The Lord alone determines the results.

02. To overcome hate, remember that the purpose of missions and evangelism is to glorify God. How we feel about another person should never limit our witnessing. We make disciples to glorify our Lord, not to feel good about ourselves.


1. What stops you from sharing the gospel? How can Acts 1:8 help you overcome those obstacles? Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power and help in overcoming whatever stops you from sharing the gospel. Pray for a heart that longs to obey Christ’s command to be His witness. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel and for faithfulness to do it.

2. Who is your “Jerusalem”? Pray for their salvation and other needs. Pray for opportunities to show them the love of Christ in your words and actions.

3. Who is your “Judea”? If you haven’t told them about Jesus yet, what is stopping you? Pray for their salvation and other needs. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power to help you witness to them.

4. Who is your “Samaria”? Why are they like “Samaritans” to you? Pray for the Lord to help you see them the way that Jesus sees them. Pray for a Christ-like heart toward them. Pray for their salvation, other needs, and opportunities to share the gospel and build relationships with them.

5. How can you be Christ’s witness to “the end of the earth”? What are some practical steps that you can take to learn more about Christians and lost people in other nations? Pray for the same heart and love for lost people that Jesus has. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring “the end of the earth” to your mind even during your busiest seasons of life. Pray for a heart that longs to pray, support, and go to the lost. Pray for a heart that desires to serve God anywhere, at any time, and in any way.

6. Pray for Northpoint. Pray that our church would be known for its love for all people. Pray that one of the marks of our church would be our faithfulness to Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20, and Romans 10:14-17. Pray that the Lord uses our church to make disciples and disciple-makers.