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Sermon Notes + 12.15.2024



My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Luke 1:46-56
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor
Overview: The Magnificat is one of the most treasured passages in the Bible and is so named because of the Latin Vulgate’s rendering “Magnificat anima mea Dominum.” Here, Mary celebrates the work of the Lord in her life and for the world by pouring out her soul in praise to the Lord and rejoicing in her spirit to God, her Savior. She understands that her status as a lowly servant will be transformed into a woman who is uniquely blessed by God, but she gives all credit to God who is great and holy. Not only will she experience this transformation in identity and significance, but so too will future generations who fear Him. She rightly notes that God scatters the proud and brings down the mighty from their thrones while exalting the humble and filling the hungry with good things. Her joy is also deeply rooted in Israel’s history as the events taking place in her time prove that God is faithful to keep His promises for all time. Like Mary, we, too, should magnify the Lord for the works He has done in our lives and for what He is doing in our world today.
01. Let us magnify the Lord by giving ourselves totally to Him in our praise and worship.
02. Let us magnify the Lord by valuing humility above pride and holiness above power.
03. Let us magnify the Lord by connecting His providences in our lives with His promises.

1. Compare this song of Mary with the song of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2:1-10. In what ways were Mary and Hannah’s situations similar? In what ways were they different? How does Mary’s song reflect a deep understanding of the Old Testament in terms of a shared vocabulary and similar theology?

2. How does Mary contrast her original status with her future remembrances in verse 2? How does Mary’s original status as a humble servant differ from a so-called “rags to riches” story? To what or to whom does Mary attribute her remarkable change in status? In what way can we recognize Mary’s importance in God’s plan of salvation without elevating her beyond the intentions of her own words?
3. What attributes of God are mentioned in this passage? Which of these attributes causes you to magnify and exalt the name of the Lord? What examples in your own life point to His greatness and His faithfulness?
4. How does Mary’s song teach us to magnify the Lord in our private devotions? How does Mary’s song teach us to magnify the Lord in our public worship? What does Mary’s song teach us about the importance of theologically rich songs and experientially based remembrances of how the Lord works in our lives?
5. Note how Mary’s song begins with the works of God in her own life and ends with the work of God throughout the history of Israel. Why is it important for us to know how God works throughout history? How does God’s faithfulness in the lives of others encourage us to trust Him with our own discouragements? Pray that the Lord will help you appropriate His promises and that you will be an encouragement to others in their time of need.
For Further Reading: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Magnify the Lord: Luke 1:46-55 (Christian Focus, 2011)