Sermon Notes + 1.26.2025
The Wisdom of God Was in Him
1 Kings 3
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor
Overview: The beginning of Solomon’s reign is a mixture of political expediency and genuine humility as he tries to lead the nation in accordance with the statutes of David, his father. Solomon enters into a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he makes sacrifices and offerings at the high places. Even though Solomon desires in his heart to follow the Lord, he lacks the wisdom to lead the people under his care. When the Lord appears to Solomon in a dream and offers to give whatever he requests, Solomon asks for wisdom to govern the people of God. This request pleases the Lord and He grants Solomon a wise and discerning mind, along with the promise of riches and honor, and the potential for length of days. Solomon’s first test in governing Israel wisely comes when two prostitutes seek adjudication over a matter based on contradictory stories. His ability to reveal the true mother of the living child resounds throughout Israel and offers insight for the people of God to the present day.
01. Solomon’s request for wisdom was based on his recognition of the great responsibility set before him. Let us pray for those who lead others to have wisdom commensurate with their responsibilities.
02. Solomon’s application of wisdom was based on his recognition of the value of human life and human flourishing. Let us seek to apply wisdom in all facets of life for the glory of God and the good of others.
03. Solomon’s gift of wisdom was not sufficient to enable him to overcome personal temptation. Let us be wary of trusting in our own gifts and our own strength to the detriment of our need to walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord.
1. Why did Solomon make a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt? What instructions were given to the king in this regard according to Deuteronomy 7:3-4 and 17:16? In what ways do we try to justify our decisions in one direction when the Bible clearly points us in the opposite direction?
2. What were high places? According to Deuteronomy 12, why was Israel prohibited from making offerings and sacrifices in such places? What does this text suggest about the need for our worship to be informed and conducted by the Word of God?
3. Note Solomon’s humility in verses 6-9. How does his understanding of the great responsibility he bears shape and define the request he makes for wisdom? What happened to Solomon later as he grew more confident in his abilities and less dependent on the Lord (see 1 Kings 11:1-8)? Pray that God will keep you humble even as you increase in responsibility and skill.
4. How is Solomon’s wisdom put to the test in verses 16-22? What does it say about his humility when he is willing to hear the case of two prostitutes and the loss of an infant’s life? How does Solomon reveal the identity of the true mother of the living child? Have you ever faced a situation where the facts were few, but the conclusion was clear? How were you guided by godly wisdom?
5. What do Solomon’s future failures suggest about the limitation of wisdom? Is a person immune to sinful behavior because they know how to distinguish between right and wrong? How does the Holy Spirit enable us not only to think properly but to live godly lives also?
For Further Reading: Derek Kidner, Proverbs (First published, 1964; IVP edition, 2008).