Sermon Notes + 3.2.2025
The Lord Appeared to Solomon a Second Time – Part II
1 Kings 9
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor
Overview: Following the dedication of the Temple, the Lord appears to Solomon a second time to confirm that He has heard Solomon’s prayer and to remind Solomon of his obligation to walk before Him with integrity and uprightness of heart. The consecration of the Temple and dedication of Solomon’s heart are interrelated—if Solomon obeys, the Lord will preserve the Temple along with Solomon’s dynasty. If Solomon or Israel turn aside from the Lord, the Temple will be destroyed, and the people will be cut off from the land. The writer of 1 Kings then shows how Solomon continued his reign with these thoughts in mind, specifically in the areas of relationships, work, and wealth. Without commenting directly on these areas, the question remains how Solomon will perform in each area given the warning he has twice received from the Lord. We, too, will do well to consider the condition of our hearts as we engage in similar areas of life.
01. The Lord has designed work and relationships, work and wealth, to be a means of glorifying Him by reaching our potential and becoming a blessing to others; let us be useful in every way we can in every area of our lives.
02. The manner in which we conduct ourselves with regard to relationships, work, and wealth reveals much about our commitment to the Lord; let us be mindful of God’s call on our lives in every area of our lives.
1. How would you summarize Solomon’s reign as king thus far? How did the gift of wisdom extend beyond the category of knowledge and justice to the point of administration and expansion of the nation? What does his varied application of wisdom suggest about ways in which the Lord blesses others through wise leadership in business, architecture, judicial matters, and other similar categories?
2. What responsibilities does the Lord remind Solomon about in verses 4-5? How is Solomon’s dedication to the Lord tied to the preservation of the Temple and the extension of his dynasty? How will Solomon’s actions affect future generations, for good or for ill? In what ways do the actions of leaders today have an impact on future generations?
3. Note how God promises to put His name, His eyes, and His heart on the Temple but is also willing to let the Temple be destroyed if His people do not keep His commandments and if they follow other gods. What does this suggest about God’s insistence on being recognized as holy? What examples can you recall of God allowing people to think less of His name or His church in order for Him to vindicate His name and His church?
4. How are we to understand Solomon’s relationship to Hiram and to his own people in verses 10-22? Does it appear as though he is guided by wisdom and a commitment to God’s statutes, or are there indications that he is pushing through projects without a genuine concern for the well-being of others? What does this text suggest about the danger and ease of putting ourselves and our ambitions above others?
5. How does God’s Word inform your work and relationships with others? How does God’s Word affect your marriage (or singleness) and pursuit/use of money? What areas of your life are guided by wisdom and obedience? Pray that the Lord will help you to bless others and glorify Him in all areas of life.
For Further Reading: Tim Keller, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work (Penguin Books, 2014)