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Sermon Notes + 1.8.2023

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This Is My Body
Matthew 26:26-29
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: The Lord’s Supper is one of two ordinances of the church instituted by Christ. It was originally based on the Passover meal, but Jesus gave it new meaning in light of the New Covenant. This seemingly simple ceremony led the early church to experience controversies from within and without. Over time, questions were raised about the bread and the cup: What type of bread? What happens to the bread? Was it sufficient to provide bread only instead of the cup? Reformers divided over the real presence of Christ, and evangelicals divided over whether non-believers should partake. Despite these differences, the Bible is sufficiently clear regarding the reason we observe; the symbols we use; the participants who are welcome; the frequency of our participation; and the ultimate occasion for the Lord’s Supper.

01. Jesus dined with sinners and offered Himself as the solution to their sins; therefore, let us receive the elements without losing focus on His perfect work on our behalf.

02. Jesus invites believers to partake and calls non-believers to repentance and faith; therefore, let us appreciate the special privilege of this invitation.

03. Jesus encourages us to observe this meal again and again to reinforce our faith; therefore, let us take Him at His Word when He pronounces forgiveness to us.

04. Jesus promises to dine with us again when He returns; therefore, let us look forward to His return with confidence and joy.


1. What parallels do you find in the observance of Passover and the Lord’s Supper? Think along the lines of substitutionary, sacrificial death; old and new covenant; and celebrating past redemption with an eye toward future consummation.

2. Do you have a favorite memory of participating in the Lord’s Supper? What made this occasion unique? In what biblical and practical ways do you think the Lord’s Supper can become more meaningful today?

3. Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. Why does the Bible warn us against eating and drinking in an unworthy manner? In what ways should we examine ourselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup? How does the Lord’s Supper offer comfort to us in our struggle against sin?

4. What examples from Scripture can you think of that incorporate visible signs to reinforce spiritual realities? How do such visible signs reinforce, rather than replace, the means of grace we receive through the preaching and reading of the Word of God?

5. Prior to instituting the Lord’s Supper in Matthew 26, Jesus taught in parables regarding His return (Matthew 25). How does the message of these parables connect with His promise to dine with us when He returns? How does the Lord’s Supper encourage you to look forward to His coming, as well as look back to His work on the cross?

For Further Reading: John Hammett, 40 Questions about Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Kregel, 2015.