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Sermon Notes + 9.8.2024



September 15, 2024

I Have Sent Them Into the World – Part I
John 17:18
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: The High Priestly Prayer is rich in its depiction of the blessings and benefits that Jesus has secured on behalf of His disciples. It is also a prayer commissioning them to be His witnesses in the world. Jesus is sending them into the world that He created, that rebelled against Him, and that He came to save. The disciples are not to withdraw from the world or to conform to the world but to engage the world by making Christ known through word and deed. The disciples will fulfill their mission by approaching it with the joy of the Lord who sends them, by believing the Word He has given them, by sharing the gospel that centers around Him, by growing in the grace He has provided for them, and by trusting in the promises He has made to them. Although the apostles lived in a different age and time than we do today, these principles from Jesus’ prayer are timeless and still impact lives all around.

01. Before we can be sent into the world, we must surrender our lives to the Lord.

02. Because we have been sent into the world, we may see a mighty work of the Lord.


1. Unpack the meaning of Jesus’ words, “As you sent me into the world.” What does the Bible say about God sending His Son into the world? Why did He come? Was the Son reluctant to come? (Hint: see Hebrews 10:5-7). What did Jesus have to do in order to enter this world? What was He subject to upon entering this world? (The purpose of this question is to help us understand the depths of God’s love for the world and the remarkable sacrifice Jesus undertook on our behalf).

2. By sending the disciples into the world, Jesus is making a statement about His Lordship over their lives and ours. Compare this text (John 17:18) with the Great Commission text in Matthew 28:16-20. What indicators in that text also point to Jesus’ authority over the disciples and over the world? What can we conclude about the deity of Jesus in both texts?

3. Why is it important for us, as followers of Christ, to engage the world rather than withdraw from the world or conform to the world? What examples of withdrawal or conformity can you think of that illustrate a problem with each perspective? By sending us into the world, what does Jesus intend for us to do? Are you making a difference in the world as you represent Christ?

4. Review the paragraph summary of the message. What aspects of the message stand out to you as most helpful in engaging the world with the gospel? Do you see the connection between being sent and being joyful? Do you see the connection between making Christ known in word and in deed? How does our growth in grace, namely our sanctification, bolster the gospel message?

5. Do you think the principles presented here are timely and timeless? What else should we know and do in order to engage the culture with the gospel? Are you encouraged by Jesus’ confidence in the spread and the reception of the gospel, as noted in verse 20, “for those who will believe in me through their word?” Is there anyone that you are praying for who might someday say they came to faith because you shared the gospel with them? Pray for the gospel to go forth from you and others in a way that makes Christ known.

For Further Reading: Robert Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism (Revell; first published 1963; updated edition, 2006).