Sermon Notes + 9.29.2024
1. When Jesus prayed for His followers to be one, He knew of all the divisions that otherwise separate people. Consider how John 17:21-23 is lived out in light of Galatians 3:26-29. How difficult was it for Jew and Gentile, slave and free, to belong to the same church? How did their unity in Christ point people to the truth and power of the gospel? How can our unity in Christ do the same?
2. John 17:20—“that they may be one”—has often been used to place visible unity among Christians above sound doctrine. What indicators from John 17, as a whole, indicate that sound doctrine is essential to true Christian unity? What doctrines must Christians believe in order to have true unity? What doctrinal issues might Christians have a different opinion on and still have true unity?
3. Note how Jesus speaks of His relationship with the Father in verses 21-23. Keep in mind that the Son is distinct from the Father but is also equal to the Father. What does it mean, then, for the Father to be “in” Jesus and Jesus to be “in” the Father? Hint: It does not mean that the Father is spatially or physically inside the Son. What does it mean for us to be “in” them? See John 15:1-11 for further insight.
4. At Northpoint, we pray for other churches during our worship services. How does this communicate to the church that we are one in Christ? Do you rejoice when another church becomes the talk of the town because it is thriving? Do you grieve when a church is divided, or their members are complaining? How do 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 and Ephesians 4:1-6 speak to the unity of the church in Christ?