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Category Archives: Big Group Time



Northpoint K!DS’ “Big Group Time”



In today’s story, we get to hear how a lady created quite a scene, yet she didn’t care what others thought.  She wanted to honor Jesus the best way she knew how. 🙆🎇

Find out what happened, NP K!d’s, Find out! 🤔  

Miss Terri

There are five challenges for you to do below:

1. In the video below, we will start opening our hearts💓 to Jesus as we sing, or listen to Mr. Tri. Then, we will hear a review of  last month’s bible lesson with Miss Terri and be ready to jump into this week’s lesson with Mrs Holt. 👀

2. Watch this week’s lesson video outline of Jesus was Anointed (Matthew 26:6-13; John 12:1-8)

3. Open your Bibles📖 with your parents and enjoy reading Matthew 26:6-13; John 12:1-8

Now answer these questions below; always look for yourself what the Bible says the answer is. YOU GO K!DS, GO!

–   What did Mary pour onto Jesus? (John 12:3)
–  What did the disciples say about what she did? (Matthew 26:8-9)
–  Did Judas really want to give the money to the poor? (John 12:4-6)
–  What did Jesus say Mary had done for Him? (Matthew 26:12;John 12:7)
–  What is your greatest treasure? How can you use that to worship Jesus and thank Him for dying on the cross for us? 

Jesus knew He was going to die soon and be buried. He knew he would die to pay for the sins of all God’s people. And He knew that he would rise again on the third day, showing His power over sin and death? When Mary caused quite a scene by pouring the expensive perfume on Jesus, she did not care what others thought, and it didn’t bother her because she knew that Jesus was more valuable than anything in the world.  🌎

 Memory Verses for October:

 Ephesians 5:8b Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true) and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works for darkness, but instead expose them. 

Ephesians 5:1-2a Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. 

For numbers 4 and 5, get your parents!

For our NP Parents:

NP K!DS’ Resources for THIS week:
4. You can read an article, Jesus was Anointedwritten just for this week, by the Gospel Project, that our teachers would have read in preparation for teaching their lessons this past Sunday. It’s insightful, helpful, and encouraging! Please read it HERE.

5. Download a few pages from our teachers’ Sunday school curriculum that they would have used to prepare Sunday’s lessons, along with the same activity page we would have sent home with your K!DS by clicking HERE.

That’s all for now, NP K!DS. Keep honoring Jesus as your King and your greatest treasure 👑👀

For God’s K!ds

Miss Terri 


Terilyn Brown
Ministry Director, Children
Northpoint Evangelical Free Church
Text Messages to 951.642.3222

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