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Sermon Notes + 7.21.2024


You Are Witnesses of These Things
Luke 24:44-49
Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Adults and Students

Overview: Two of the disciples were traveling on the road to Emmaus from Jerusalem when Jesus revealed himself to them by opening up the Scripture with them. When they realized it was Jesus, they ran back to Jerusalem. They found the 11 apostles discussing the resurrection and recent appearances of Jesus. As they gathered in that room, Jesus appeared to them again. Some were afraid, others were overjoyed, but Luke tells us they all marveled. I imagine it would have been very quiet (maybe you could hear a pen drop); maybe it was a little awkward at first. But after speaking peace to his disciples, Jesus asked for some broiled fish. And as He was eating, He gave them one of the greatest discipleship lessons about how to read their Bibles.

Main Point: The whole Bible is ultimately about Jesus and His mission to all nations, and every Christian is an empowered witness of Jesus and His mission to all nations.


1. Read again Luke 24:44-49. What immediately stands out about this text to you?

2. The main point of the message was, “The whole Bible is ultimately about Jesus and His mission to all nations, and every Christian is an empowered witness of Jesus and His mission to all nations.” What do you think about this point? Where do you see this in the passage?

3. Why do you think the disciples didn’t understand that Jesus was to suffer on the cross and die for them? (see Luke 18:31-34 for a reminder) What does the prophet Isaiah predict in the Old Testament? (see Isaiah 53:3-5).

4. Take some time to read the following passages. Read a few of the verses before and afterward to get the context. What do these passages teach you about the role of all nations in the Bible?
a. Genesis 12:3; 17:5; 22:18; Exodus 19:5-6
b. Isaiah 25:6-9; 42:1-6; 49:6
c. Psalm 2:7-8; 22:27-28; 46:10; 86:9; 96:3; 126:2-3
d. Psalm 67; Revelation 7:9-10

5. What is so important about the word “AND” at the beginning of Luke 24:47? Explain why the logical connection is so important for us.

6. Take a moment and share why every Christian is an empowered witness of Jesus and His mission. Can you share an example of how you have witnessed for Jesus on mission in the past? (for help see verses 48-49)

7. Who are some people you might be able to have an ordinary conversation about Jesus this week?

8. What drives your motivation to be a witness for Christ? Why does having the Holy Spirit give us confidence?

9. Lastly, take some time to pray for our own hearts. Ask the Lord to make you into a empowered witness for Jesus and His mission. Ask him to help you see that the whole Bible points to him and His mission.

10. Further Reading: Piper, John. 2010. Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions. 3rd edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

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