Thank you for checking out our NP K!DS’ page. Here, we hope you’ll find everything you need to know to get your children involved in God’s work at Northpoint. You’ll find information about our Sunday gatherings, and how to register for our Sunday morning program. If you don’t find what you need, contact Northpoint’s Children’s Director, Terilyn Brown, at or 951.281.2827 or Dani Tiqui at or 951.281.2825, and we’d be delighted to chat with you! Click HERE to see our monthly Parent Page.
Sunday Morning NP K!DS’ Registration for 2024-2025!
Dear Parents,
To register your child in our Children’s Ministry program please click HERE to access the online form (make sure to refresh your browser once there), or look for the QR Code at the Check-in Room.
Thank you!
NEW NP K!DS Second Service Program!
A few weeks ago, Terilyn Brown, our Children’s Director, announced that THIS coming Sunday, March 2, we are re-establishing our second service children’s ministry program for kids from birth to sixth grade!
So, if you’re a parent and find it difficult to be a consistent Northpoint attender because it’s sometimes hard to get your kids going on Sunday morning, then second service might be for you.
Or, if you know someone who would like to attend Northpoint but the lack of a second service kids’ program keeps them away, tell them what we’re about to do! Second service might be for them.
Second service check in will be a bit different than the first. Here are the details:
Nursery – If your child is under two years of age, please check them in at the Nursery Room. If your child was checked in for first service and will be staying for second, please stop by the Nursery Room between services to see how your baby is doing. Pick up from the Nursery Room.
Two Years Old through Kindergarten – Parents with kids two years old through kindergarten will check them in at the NP K!DS’ Check-in Room (at the southeast corner of the Courtyard) after 10:30 a.m., and then take them to Room 102. Pick up in Room 104.
Note: Even if your child was checked in for, and attended first service, you’ll need to pick them up from the Playground before 10:30 a.m., and then complete the check-in process again for second service:)
First through Sixth Grade – Parents with kids first through sixth grade will check them in at the Check-in Room (at the southeast corner of the Courtyard)
after 10:30 a.m., and then take them into second service, where they’ll be released from the pulpit to their program during the morning announcements. Pick up from the Playground, or upstairs in Room 201 if it’s a rainy day.
Note: Even if your child was checked in for, and attended first service, you’ll need to pick them up from their first service rooms before 10:30 a.m., and then complete the check-in process again for second service:)
If your kids are not registered for the 2024/2025 school year, you can do that online by clicking or tapping HERE. You can also accomplish that task in person at the Registration Room on Sundays.
And finally, if you’ve wanted to help in children’s ministry but our first service program doesn’t work with your schedule, we need to talk! You can call the Church Office, email Terilyn at or Dani Tiqui at dtiqui@northpointcorona.
NP K!DS! Sunday Mornings!
Our Sunday Program During the 9:00 a.m. Service:
Our K!DS’ program is for children from birth through 6th grade. Here’s how we break it down: Our Nursery is for kids from birth through one year old. Our loving adults create a happy, safe, and playful environment so that you can enjoy the service without worry. Kids ages two through three grouped together, as are our four and five-year-olds (kindergarten and under). Both of those early childhood groups enjoy a time of worship, Bible story, crafts, snack, and time on our playground. Our elementary kids (grades one through six) are generally grouped by their grades for their small group Sunday school, where they hear the day’s Bible lesson, and engage in special activities to enhance the teaching. From there, all elementary grades gather together for their “big group time,” which includes a short review of the day’s lesson, worship, group games, a snack, and time on our playground.
Both our early childhood and elementary sections use The Gospel Project for Kids. With it, we go through the Bible every three years to impact the three stages of childhood development from two years old through sixth grade. Our curriculum covers many of the main Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments to demonstrate how each story points to Christ’s redemptive work and our continued need for a Savior to redeem and restore us.
Plan Your First Visit With Us:
Here’s how Sundays work – For your child to attend Sunday School, please check them in before the church service starts at 9:00 a.m., at the NP K!DS Check-in Room, which is located east of the water wall. Once checked in, all children who are in kindergarten and under will be taken by their parents to their classrooms. All first through sixth graders will begin the morning with their parents in the worship service. After the first two worship songs, kids will be dismissed by the worship leader to their Sunday school teachers, who are waiting in the Foyer to take them to Sunday school. Then, all 1st through 6th graders will be dismissed to their parents from the playground after the 1st service. Parents enter the NORTH EAST gate and exit the SOUTH EAST gate with their children.
- Please have your children in comfortable shoes (We’ll be running!)
After Your First Visit:
If, after your first visit (or second, or third!), you want to get your children fully plugged into our Sunday NP K!DS (and all of our K!DS’ programs), please take the time to register them online for the year. You can you do that HERE , or look for the QR Code at the Check-in Room.
Beyond Sunday mornings:
Northpoint offers programs for birth-sixth grade for moms attending Women of the Word (Bible study and small groups) on Wednesday mornings, and for parents attending some of our Growth Groups during the week. We are also planning for this year’s VBS/Vacation Bible School (new kindergarteners-new sixth graders), happening in the evening, the week of July 8-12 2024, and for Winter Camp, which will take place in early January 3-5th, 2025, at Ironwood Christian Camp in Newberry Springs.
For Those Already Part of the NP Family:
During the week, we encourage you to make family time with your children to review the Sunday school video lesson below. We post one monthly message from Miss Terri along with weekly lesson videos. We hope this tool becomes one of your family traditions. If your child happens to miss a Sunday, we will keep the past Sunday’s activity pages/materials outside the Resource Room (located under the east stairway) for you to pick up day or night. Click HERE to download our monthly Parents’ Page.
If you’d like to help out once a month, or bi-monthly, serving on our children’s Sunday morning ministry team, please email Terilyn Brown at If you are unable to help at this time, we would love to hear how your children are doing and if there is anything more we can do to make their experience here better and better.
So, let us give thanks to the Lord with our whole hearts as we glorify His name forever! Let us all continue to be excited in our prayers as we ask the Lord to protect our church family and as we continue to grow closer to Him and to each other. And may we also find more and more ways for your children to connect with others that will result in forever friendships. We promise to do our best in supporting you as you model a life with Christ as your Lord and Savior before them. We are delighted God brought you here to be a part of His Northpoint family.
For more information, please contact Northpoint’s Children’s Director, Terilyn Brown, at or 951.281.2827 or Dani Tiqui at or 951.281.2825 .
For God’s Kids,
Miss Terri
Terilyn Brown
Ministry Director, Children
NP K!DS’ Winter Camp 2025
Our delivery trucks were washed and waxed. Our drivers were ready to roll in their pressed uniforms. All we needed was the precious cargo! Over the weekend of January 3-5, 2025, our NP K!DS went to Ironwood Christian Camp in Newberry Springs for a time of fun and learning as they discovered that we can believe God’s promise to save us through Jesus because of the other promises He made in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New.
Here’s what Winter Camp 2025 looked like:
C.O.W. Children of the Word 24-25
Are you looking for another way to help your kids meet and know our Lord through Bible study and Scripture memorization? Then, we’ve got just the thing for you! Northpoint’s mid-week program for kids from kindergarten through 6th grade, Children of the Word (C.O.W.), We meet again on Wednesday, October 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Every other Wednesday through our nine-session season
This year, we will be searching the scriptures to see how the Bible is one, complete story that reveals the solution to the greatest mystery of all-the death of Jesus in the cross. We will see how the story of Jesus is woven through the Old and New Testaments, and will memorize sections of scripture that point towards what He accomplished for us.
So, what do the gatherings look like? Our two groups (K-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade) rotate independently through three stations: a big-group teaching and worship time; small groups, where they talk about applying what they’ve learned during the evening’s big-group time, practice their memory verses, and pray together; and game time. Sounds fun, right?
This is a great opportunity for neighborhood outreach, so invite friends!
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Ryan Lemen at or Jenn Zachariah at 661. 205.8963.
Click or tap HERE to register online.