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Below are THREE ways we can stay connected to God and our Northpoint family:

The Prayer Chain
If you need prayer, please get your request on the Northpoint Prayer Chain. Simply call the Church Office at 951.734.1335 or send your request via email to prayer@northpointcorona.org.

Monday Night Prayer Gathering
We’re now meeting together on campus in the Commons, every Monday night from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Prayer Life
Each week, our own Dave Dussault updates a monthly Bible Reading Plan and writes a Bible and prayer focus, Prayer Life. You can receive both via email by contacting Dave at davedussault21@gmail.com


It’s always a great time to start a new habit to help point you to our Savior and Lord!

Northpoint provides two special, homegrown tools to help guide your pursuit of Christ: Prayer Life and our Bible Reading & Prayer Plan. How about trying both in the new year?

Here are the details for each tool:

1. Prayer Life – A Weekly Devotional & Prayer

Each week, with Prayer Life – A Weekly Devotional & Prayer, our own Dave Dussault thoughtfully writes a devotional specifically for his Northpoint brothers and sisters and then provides a guide to aid us as we pray for our world, nation, state, community, and for the people and life here at Northpoint. View and download the latest Prayer Life – A Weekly Devotional & Prayer & Bible Reading Plan  HERE


2. Bible Reading & Prayer Plan

The Northpoint Bible Reading & Prayer Plan helps you read through the Bible in three years. To that end, each month, Dave provides a timely devotional and a schedule to assist you in reading and praying through one Bible chapter each day of that month.


Northpoint Church