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Sermon Notes – 9.20.2015

Women and Men (Part 2) 
1 Timothy 2:11-15
Pastor John Sloan

Introduction: Men and women are equal. The Scriptures never equivocate on this: men are neither better, smarter, nor more valuable than women. Nor, as so many sitcoms and greeting cards would have us believe, are women superior to the bumbling men they’re saddled with. We “are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).” Therefore, there’s no place for chauvinism, disparagement, or ridicule of one sex by another. Anywhere. But if that’s the case, why the specific commands to women to “learn quietly and with submission” in the church?

Straightforward Answers to Three Controversial Questions







Questions for Discussion & Discovery

1. How do you see men and women portrayed in popular media? How does the current sexual climate of out culture influence our view of men and women?

2. What is biblical “submissiveness” (verse11b)?

3. Why is context so important when interpreting the Scriptures?

4. How do the complimentary roles of the Father and Son assist us in understanding the roles of men and women in the church?

5. On what basis does Paul make his appeal regarding gender roles (see verse 13)? Why is this important?

6. Evil will not reign forever. God never forgets His people. He will send a Deliverer. How do we see these truths implied in this passage?

Sermon Slides

1. Q1. Is theology strictly a man’s domain?

2. “Men should not listen to women. [Even if they say] saintly things…that is of little consequence, they come from the mouth of a woman.” – Origin

3. A1. No, women should explore every opportunity to (formally and informally) deepen their understanding of God.

4. “The text is simply saying that a woman should listen attentively with a teachable spirit to the God-ordained leaders in the church when they are teaching the Word.” – David Platt

5. Q2. Can a woman speak or teach in church?

6. A2. Yes, but women should not serve in ‘roles of teaching authority’ in the church.

7. “An understanding of creation is central to a correct understanding of male and female roles, as all Biblical teaching on roles is contingent on this historic event, and apart from this context cannot be understood.”

8. “It is a dangerous business indeed to treat the matter of subordination in marriage and in the church as mere local custom when it is clear … that these matters rest upon apostolic appeals to Creation.” – R.C. Sproul

9. Q3. What does childbearing have to do with salvation?

10. A3. Through the birth of the Messiah, a task that could only be done by a woman, salvation enters the world.

11. “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’” – Galatians 4:4-6 ESV