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2.11.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

Sermon Notes

A Purchased Freedom
Matthew 20:17-28
Pastor John Sloan

Introduction: With his face turned toward the cross, Jesus provides a veritable table of contents for his passion experience: first, the entrance into Jerusalem, followed by the indictment and condemnation by the Jewish and then Gentile authorities. Next would come the mocking and floggings. And finally, the crucifixion and resurrection. How would the disciples respond to such a prediction? In a way that no one would have ever imagined.




Questions For Discussion & Discovery

1. Why does Jesus (again) inform his disciples of his impending suffering? How does this help to explain Matthew 1:21.

2. What is the cup that Jesus will drink (verse 22)? How will those who follow him share that cup?

3. Jesus tells the mother of James and John that seating assignments in the kingdom are not his to grant (verse 23). How does this illustrate that equality and the hierarchy of roles can co-exist? How does this apply to life in the home? What about in the church?

4. Why is it that we will go to extreme lengths to prevent our failures from being known? What failures do you find yourself working tirelessly to keep secret?

5. In what way does a steady diet of the gospel strengthen our faith and spur our obedience? What happens when we believe that we have moved on from the gospel?

6. In what sense has Jesus paid the price for our freedom? What do those in Christ now enjoy freedom from?

Sermon Slides

1. Read Matthew 20:17-22.

2. “At that time nothing could shock the believers so seriously as to see the whole sacred order of the Church against Christ.” – John Calvin

3. 01. The folly of self-reliance is fueled by a craving for honor.

4. Sorry is all that you can’t say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like sorry like sorry

Forgive me
Is all that you can’t say
Years gone by and still
Words don’t come easily
Like forgive me forgive me

But you can say baby
Baby can I hold you tonight.

5. “We are much the same. … The Lord crowned all people with honor when he created us in his image. But we are not content with honor. We want high honors, supreme honors, and we want to put others in their place, beneath us.” – Daniel Doriani

6. Read Matthew 20:23.

7. Read Matthew 20:24-28.

8. 02. It is in the service of others that believers find their greatest fulfillment.

9. Look at Matthew 20:28.

10. 03. The soul’s hunger for honor is only satisfied by resting in the position secured for us by Christ’s sacrifice.

Northpoint Church