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8.05.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

I Shall Not Want
1 Samuel 1-2
Tony Chute, Interim Pastor

Introduction: 1 Samuel narrates the beginning of the monarchy in Israel with specific attention given to David’s ascent to the throne. The opening chapters reveal that this important period in Israel’s history was preceded by the prayers of Hannah, a childless woman who pleaded with the Lord for a son. Despite various hindrances and discouragements, she refused to accept circumstance alone as her lot in life. She thus provides important lessons about prayer for believers today.

01. Prayer is often driven by our circumstances, therefore we should seek the Lord before settling with life as it is.
02. Prayer is never based upon our stature, therefore we should not hesitate to pray because we feel unworthy.
03. Prayer is ultimately meant to draw us closer to the Lord, therefore we can trust the Lord with the outcome.
04. Prayer is not contrary to contentment, therefore we should use this means of grace to join together in the work of the Lord.

Questions For Discussion & Discovery

1. Why is the transition from the time of the judges to the monarchy a significant change in Israel’s history? What does this transition represent with regard to how Israel as a nation trusted the Lord to lead them? (See Judges 21:25; 1 Samuel 8:7-8; 13:14).

2. What does Hannah’s impact on the history of Israel suggest about the role of women in the Old Testament? Can you think of other examples in the Bible where women are central to the storyline and have an impact on the future?

3. Compare Hannah’s song in 2:1-10 with Mary’s song in Luke 1:46-55. What are the similarities between their situations and these two texts? What can we learn about the character of God from these texts?

4. Read Luke 18:1-8 along with Philippians 4:11-13. Can you articulate the appropriate balance between earnest prayer and godly contentment?

5. What does 1 Samuel 2:25 suggest about the need for an intermediary between humans and God? How does this fact underscore the reality that Christians can pray with confidence that they are heard, whereas non-Christians do not have this confidence? See Hebrews 7:23-28 for further insight.

6. What are you currently praying for with regard to your life? What are you praying for with regard to your family? What are you praying for with regard to Northpoint? What are you praying for with regard to your workplace? What are you praying for with regard to the future of this country? What are you praying for with regard to the community? Who are you praying for to be saved?

For Further Reading: Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation, by D. A. Carson (Baker, 2015)