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12.23.2018 Sermon Notes & Slides

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Sermon Notes


The Nativity of Christ
Luke 2:1-20
Pastor Scott Williams

Overview: The circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ are so humble and simple that if you just read the verses explaining his birth, it is hard to appreciate who it actually is that is born here. His birth was not regal, but as average and ordinary as it gets. And yet, it caused the angelic hosts to rejoice and declare that through this child there would be peace on earth.

01. The incarnation provides a beautiful picture of God’s desire for a true relationship with mankind. (1-7)

02. The incarnation demonstrates Christ’s perfect humanity as well as a divine compassion. (7-8)

03. The incarnation provides the ideal Savior who brings peace between God and man. (9-14)

04. The incarnation demands a response of both obedience and praise. (15-20)

Questions For Discussion & Discovery

1. In your own words, why do you think the incarnation is so significant?

2. Do you think it is significant that Christ was completely human in every way, yet without sin? Read Hebrews 4:14–16; what insight does this give?

3. Why do you think the angel’s first words were, “Fear Not”? Is it significant that the angels declared the birth of the Messiah to a lowly group of shepherds? Why not just a few miles over to those in Jerusalem?

4. The reality of the incarnation prompted the responses of obedience and praise in Mary and the shepherds. How today can you grow in obedience to Christ? What areas do you need to submit to him?

5. Who in your life today needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ? How will you go about having spiritual conversations with them?