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6.30.2019 Sermon Notes & Slides


Sermon Notes & Slides

Discipleship: How the Word Increases and Multiplies
Acts 11-12
Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Student Ministries

Overview: Last week in Acts 10, we learned that the gospel is for everyone, both Jew and Gentile alike. As we move through the book of Acts, some of the major themes such as the kingdom of God and the promised gift of the Holy Spirit come to the forefront. This promise of the Holy Spirit (1:4-5) would empower the followers of Jesus to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (1:7-8). Luke now shifts in Acts 11-12 to the discipleship of the early church, both in Antioch and in Jerusalem. As disciples, we are called to follow Jesus and disciple others in the local church and on mission.

01. The beginning of discipleship is conversion to Christ.

02. Discipleship continues in the body of Christ, the church.

03. The goal of discipleship is the completion of the mission.

Questions For Discussion & Discovery

1. Have you ever been discipled? What was that experience like? What did you do?

2. If you have been discipled before, did that relationship emphasize conversion to Christ, loving the body of Christ, and being on mission?

3. One of the most common misconceptions about discipleship today is referring to discipleship as simply “conversion to Christ” or “growth in maturity.” Yet discipleship is much more than that. Discipleship includes both conversion to Christ and growth in maturity, but always includes mission as well. How have you recently been on mission in your neighborhood, your work, abroad, or at home?

4. One of the most compelling reasons to disciple others is our shared unity in the faith through the Holy Spirit. This unity communicates to us that we are all forgiven and equal members of the one people of God. What are some other reasons that you should be investing and discipling others at Northpoint Church?

5. A frequently asked question about discipleship always revolves around racial, generational, and class structures. Is it important to be intentional about discipling those who are younger in the faith (see Titus 2 for example)? What about those of a different race?

6. Finally, using Acts 11:19-30, draw out the essential elements of discipleship. What does it look like practically? For further explanation, see the recommended book below.

For Further Reading: Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus, Mark Dever (Wheaton: Crossway, 2016).