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August 23, 2020 Sermon Notes and Slides


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You Will Not Always Have Me

Mark 14:1-25

Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: The plot to take Jesus’ life gains momentum as the chief priests and scribes seek an opportunity to carry out their plan. They find a willing accomplice in Judas Iscariot, who agrees to betray Jesus for a price. Before the plan is carried out or even made public, it is clear that Jesus knows His life will soon come to an end. He demonstrates this awareness by commending a woman who anoints his body for burial and by commemorating his death through a meal with his disciples. This combination of events demonstrates that the calculations of evil men to end the life of Jesus are insufficient to bring an end to what God has purposed through Christ and His church.

01. There is a genuine presence of evil in this world that opposes that which is good. Such evil, plots in secret, feigns concern for the weak, is motivated by temporal things, and betrays even the best of people.

02. There is a genuine presence of goodness in this world that overcomes that which is evil. Such goodness is not inherent in humanity but is evidenced by exalting Christ above ourselves, serving those in need, trusting in the providence of God, and seeking a kingdom beyond this world.


  1. Notice how the priests and scribes operate by stealth and careful timing in order to arrest Jesus (verses 1-2). What does their planning suggest about Jesus’ popularity among the people? How does their planning serve as a warning to us about plotting in secret?
  2.  The account of a woman anointing Jesus is found in all four Gospels (see Matthew 26:6-13; Luke 7:36-50; John 12:1-8). What similarities and differences do you find in these texts (i.e., location, time, nature of anointing, reputation of woman, etc.)? How do these accounts provide a fuller picture of this event?
  3. When Jesus said, “You always have the poor with you,” He was likely alluding to Deuteronomy 15:11. What does the Bible teach about our responsibility to the poor? What does the Bible teach about the importance of the gospel above and beyond our concern for the poor? What is lost when we substitute a “social gospel” for the true gospel?
  4. Based on your knowledge of the Passover Meal established in the Old Testament (see Exodus 12), what were the disciples of Jesus expecting to observe and experience as they made arrangements (Mark 14:12-16)? In what ways did Jesus transform this meal to point to a greater salvation (verse 22-25)? What should be foremost in our thoughts as we observe the Lord’s Supper?
  5. In what ways do the taking of innocent life and the giving of one’s life stand out in this chapter? What do these examples suggest to us about the reality of evil and the Christian response to evil? Read Romans 12:9-21 for a list of ways in which we can address evil in this world by following the example set by Jesus Christ.

For Further Reading: D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Plight of Man and the Power of God (Christian Heritage; reprint edition, 2013).