Big Group Time: JANUARY 10–16
Northpoint K!DS’ “Big Group Time”
JANUARY 10 –16
There are five challenges for you to do below:
1. Our story today is about a man who lived on earth before Jesus came. His name was Isaiah. He loved God. God used Him to tell people things about Himself. Isaiah wrote a song to thank God for His promise to send us a Rescuer (Jesus). Isaiah said, “God, you were angry when I did not obey You, but You showed Your love to me.” Isaiah also said,”Give thanks to the Lord! Celebrate! Sing to God, for He has done amazing things!
So, NP K!ds! What TIME IS IT? It’s always a good time for Jesus. Let’s start by watching Bear play in the snow. We can sing or hum this song with Mr. Tri. and that will help us be ready to review last week’s story and to listen to teachers, Mr. Mark and Mrs. Debbie. They will help us understand our bible story today. The more time
we spend learning about Jesus, the more things we can share. And we know that it is always a good time to tell others about Jesus!
2. This is where the video outline of this week’s lesson, Jesus Forgives and Restores, should be, but we can’t show it here due to licensing restrictions. However, you can get the video (and all the rest of Big Group Time you see here) through a link in Northpoint’s all-church email, NP News. Click HERE to subscribe.
3. Open your Bibles with your parents and enjoy reading Isaiah 12:1-6.
1. What are some ways we can show thankfulness to God?
2. What reasons do we have to be thankful to God.?
3. Why do you think we will be happy when Jesus returns?
The prophet Isaiah looked forward to the day when God’s words would come true when God would bless His people and they would be thankful and tell everyone about Him. God kept His promise to send a Savior-His own Son, Jesus.
Jesus died on the cross and rose again to rescue people from sin. We are thankful because Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save us from our sins. Because we are thankful, we should use our time and tell others what God has done for sinners.
Finish your time by thanking God for something He has given you and say out loud your memory verses.
It is always a good time for Jesus!!
January Memory Verses are:
Phillippians 2:3 It is God who works in you, both to will and work for His good pleasure.
Proverbs 3:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you.
For numbers 4 and 5, get your parents!
For our NP Parents:
NP K!DS’ Resources for THIS week:
4. You can read an article, A Song of Thanksgiving, written just for this week, by the Gospel Project, that our teachers would have read in preparation for teaching their lessons this past Sunday. It’s insightful, helpful, and encouraging! Please read it HERE.
5. Here are a few activity pages your children can enjoy doing. They come from our teachers’ Sunday school curriculum. Download them by clicking HERE.
Have a great week K!ds spending time with Him! We hope to see you on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. But whether or not you’re able to come, please know you are all in your Sunday school teachers’ hearts and prayers all the
time. Keep loving Him fully as we look forward to the time
of His coming back to earth for us.
Miss Terri
Terilyn Brown
Ministry Director, Children
Northpoint Evangelical Free Church
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