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February 7, 2021 Sermon Notes and Slides



Those Who Love Me
Deuteronomy 5:6-15
Pastor Tony Chute

Overview: The Ten Commandments have historically been divided into two parts. The first four govern our relationship with God, and the remaining six govern our relationship with others. Although the first four are no longer enforced civilly, they inform the remaining six, and they instruct us in our walk with the Lord. The first commandment stipulates that worship belongs to God alone, thus prohibiting endless competing loyalties. The second commandment proscribes worship according to God’s design alone, thus prohibiting images that fall short of His being and worth. The third commandment denounces speaking of God irreverently, thus prohibiting words and attitudes that dismiss God as holy. The fourth commandment sets aside a day of the week for God alone, thus avoiding the mentality that work or recreation takes precedence over worship. Stated positively, the first four commandments lead us to worship the only God in the right way on a regular basis so we can marvel at His greatness.

01. Because God is the only God, worshipping other gods is instantly futile and ultimately unfulfilling. Let us pray for hearts that are singular in devotion.

02. Because God is greater than we can imagine, reducing Him to our level is inaccurate and insulting. Let us pray for minds that are free from misconception.

03. Because God is holy beyond compare, speaking lightly about God is empty and irreverent. Let us pray for mouths that honor God in our conversation.

04. Because God is sufficient for our every need, neither work nor recreation is our ultimate joy. Let us pray for hearts, minds, and mouths that worship Him regularly.


1. In what ways might we become guilty of worshipping other gods without formally embracing polytheism? What is the single most important pursuit in your life?

2. In what ways might we become guilty of committing idolatry without actually carving images of God out of wood or stone? What images of God come to mind when you think about Him? What attributes of God do you tend to avoid in your thoughts?

3. In what ways might we become guilty of taking God’s name in vain without attaching curses to His name? How can we speak about God more biblically?

4. In what ways might we become guilty of not honoring the Lord’s Day? In what ways can honoring the Lord’s Day become legalistic? What balance is needed in your observation of the Lord’s Day?

5. What promise of grace do we have in light of our failure to keep the commandments? See 2 Corinthians 5:21 for further insight.

For Further Reading: G. K. Beale, We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry (IVP, 2008)