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April 4, 2021 Sermon Notes

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I Died and Am Alive Forevermore
Revelation 1
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor


Overview: Revelation is the final book of the Bible, written by the last of the original disciples of Jesus. It begins with a promise of blessing for those who hear and keep what is written, and it ends with a warning for those who add to or take away from what is written. It is distinguished from other New Testament writings by its apocalyptic genre, but its message is consistent with those books, and its content provides a necessary conclusion to God’s purposes for the church and the world. The centerpiece of the book is Jesus Christ, who is presented in all His glory, is praised for all He has done and has promised to return to bring history to its appropriate end. Although these claims may seem fantastical to some, Christians believe every word because Jesus alone can say, “I died, and behold I am alive.”

01. The resurrection of Jesus is a historical event that is accurately recorded in Scripture, thus informing us that God acts in history and provides us with the meaning of His actions.

02. The resurrection of Jesus is a transformative event that is wonderfully depicted in Scripture, thus assuring us that God is in control of history and protects us by the power of His might.

03. The resurrection of Jesus is a definitive event that is clearly presented in Scripture, thus advising us that God will bring an end to history and invites us to take part in His purposes.



1. What does it mean to say that God has revealed Himself to us in Scripture? Does it mean that the Bible presents our own ideas about God or that God has spoken to us? What would we not know about God were it not for Scripture? Why are we warned not to add to or take away from Scripture?

2. Note the description of Jesus in Revelation 1:12-16. Do you find the language that is used there difficult? How does the use of apocalyptic language enhance our understanding of Jesus in His glory? How does it compliment what we know of Jesus in the gospels? Does the difference in genre between Revelation and the Gospels change anything we know about Jesus?

3. Consider the titles and accomplishments attributed to Jesus in 1:4-8. How are His accomplishments related to His titles? What do His titles imply about His humanity and His deity? Which accomplishments do you find comforting and edifying to mediate upon?

4. John describes himself as a “brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus.” In what ways does John provide comfort for believers today through the opening chapter of Revelation? What aspects of this chapter remind you that God is in control of history even when the world seems out of control?

5. How does the resurrection of Jesus validate all that we read in Scripture? Why is the resurrection of Jesus central to the Christian faith? What are the implications of Jesus’ resurrection with regard to His power over death and Hades? What are the implications of Jesus’ resurrection with regard to the end and purpose of history?

For Further Reading: B. B. Warfield, The Person and Work of Christ (P&R Publishing, 1970).