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Sermon Notes + 6.25.2023




The Good Shepherd
John 10:1-21
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor

Overview: The differences between the ministry of Jesus and that of the Jewish leaders are starkly contrasted as Jesus, using imagery familiar to the people of His time, describes the difference between good and bad shepherds. Good shepherds are authorized to enter the sheepfold, whereas bad shepherds seek to enter under their own terms; good shepherds are welcomed by their sheep, whereas bad shepherds are avoided by the sheep. In order to clear up any confusion, Jesus declares Himself to be the door of the sheep and the good shepherd to the sheep. As the door of the sheep, Jesus establishes there is only one way for people to belong to the flock of God. As the good shepherd, Jesus promises abundant life for the sheep; He lays down His life for the sheep; He knows His sheep intimately; He seeks and finds lost sheep; and He will gather the sheep into one flock under one shepherd. Although those who heard Him were confused over His words, we can be certain that there is no better shepherd than Jesus.

01. Come to Jesus Christ, the good shepherd, who laid down His life and took it up again in order for you to be saved and to experience life more abundantly.

02. Flee from false shepherds who know nothing of God’s saving grace in Christ and who seek to use their status as a means of personal gain.

03. Pray for the undershepherds at Northpoint, that we may resemble the Chief Shepherd in our character and in our personal care for the flock.


1. What is the significance of the phrase “Truly, truly” (or “Verily, verily”) in verse 1? Why does Jesus underscore this particular teaching? In what ways can we be misled if we get His teaching in this section wrong?

2. Read Ezekiel 34 and Psalm 23 in light of this chapter. What parallels do you notice between false teachers in Ezekiel and the situation addressed by Jesus in this section? How does Psalm 23 present a portrait of the good shepherd that is consistent with Jesus’ teaching in this section?

3. Are you familiar with shepherding? If so, how does the illustration of verses 1-5 relate to your experience? What would be the significance of a shepherd who enters by the authorized gate and one who tries to enter unlawfully? What is the intent of each? How does the attempt to enter the sheepfold unlawfully characterize false teachers today? How is the destruction of false teaching evident today?

4. Does this passage leave open any other option to heaven apart from Jesus? What specific things are listed in this text that demonstrate the uniqueness of Jesus as the good shepherd? Have you encountered the teaching that verse 16 refers to Mormonism? Why is that teaching a false application from this text? Who did Jesus actually have in mind? See Acts 10 and Ephesians 2:11-22 for further insight.

5. How does the concept of “one flock, one shepherd” influence your thinking about the importance of relationships in the church? How can we live life together in such a way as to reflect our unity in Christ?

For Further Reading: Kenneth Bailey, The Good Shepherd: A Thousand Year Journey from Psalm 23 to the New Testament (IVP Academic, 2014)