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Author Archives: bbrown

Sermon Notes + 10.22.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 10.22.2023 SERMON NOTES Satan Entered into Him – Part II John 13:21-38 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: After washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus becomes troubled in spirit and testifies that one of the disciples will betray Him. The identity of the betrayer is not evident to the disciples so John is… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 10.15.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 10.15.2023 SERMON NOTES Satan Entered into Him John 13:21-38 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: After washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus becomes troubled in spirit and testifies that one of the disciples will betray Him. The identity of the betrayer is not evident to the disciples so John is tasked with… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 10.8.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 10.8.2023 SERMON NOTES Wash One Another’s Feet John 13:1-20 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: In the final days of His life, Jesus turns His attention to the disciples and demonstrates His love for them to the very end. After a meal, Jesus takes a towel and begins washing the feet of His… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 10.1.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 10.1.2023 SERMON NOTES They Still Did Not Believe in Him John 12:36-50 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: As Jesus concludes His public ministry, it is evident that people still refuse to believe in Him despite the numerous signs He has offered to validate His claims. John informs us that the rejection of… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 9.17.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 9.17.2023 SERMON NOTES The World Has Gone After Him John 12:12-19 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem marks a turning point in His ministry where He takes on a more public role than ever before. The crowd that welcomes Him is large, and their presence is felt as they… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 8.27.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.27.2023 SERMON NOTES One Man Should Die for the People John 11:45-56 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The aftermath of Lazarus being raised from the dead should have resulted in widespread belief in Jesus, but John notes that a mix of reactions occurred, leading to a more concerted attempt to prevent people… Continue Reading

Get Connected 2024!

Get Connected 2024!

Our Connected & Serve Ministry Fair is here! Northpoint offers a wide variety of opportunities for you to CONNECT with, and SERVE, your church family. Be sure to visit the various ministry tables on the Heritage Courtyard Sunday mornings, from August 20-September 3, to learn more, and to sign up to CONNECT & SERVE. Click HERE for a special… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 8.13.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.13.2023 SERMON NOTES If You Love Those Who Love You Matthew 5:46 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The love of God surpasses all human love but forms the basis of who and how Christians are to love. Jesus tells His followers that loving those we are predisposed to love is a worldly… Continue Reading

Summer Missions Night

Summer Missions Night

You’re invited to a special Summer Missions Night NEXT Friday, August 11, at 7:00 p.m., to hear updates from those in our church family who have participated in summer mission trips. Refreshments will be served. It will be a wonderful time to hear testimonies and share updates. Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 8.6.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.6.2023 SERMON NOTES He Whom You Love Is Ill John 11:1-16 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: During a brief interlude where Jesus has left Jerusalem, He is informed that Lazarus has become ill. John tells us that Jesus is especially close to Lazarus and his family, namely Mary and Martha. Jesus instantly… Continue Reading