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Category Archives: Senior High

Senior High Category

Summer Camp Tomorrow

Friends, I can’t wait for Summer Camp Tomorrow! I will be posting updates here with pics throughout the week. Check back. Also, you can go to facebook for some videos I will post. Please pray that God works in big ways! Here’s my pre-camp game face… Continue Reading

Beware of the Mountaintop!

(another great blog from our brother Jay Hobbs!) Well, it’s June again, and that means but one thing in the life of Student Ministries–Summer Camp! Nothing like the combination of camp-dirt and milk-chug, along with the nightly camp fire and daily time of sitting under the Word in both individual and community-wide meetings. But this blog is written as a… Continue Reading

Redeeming the Summer

What would a Summer that was well-spent look like? This coming Sunday, we will be mapping out what a well-spent Summer looks like in small groups…each of us having opportunity to physically draw out what this looks like.  When August 11th rolls around and you once again darken the doors of your high school…will you… Continue Reading

Senior High Summer Camp

Where: Frandy Campground on the Kern River When: Friday, June 25-Wednesday, June 30 Cost: Early Registration (May 27-June 6): $190.00 with $50.00 deposit After June 6: $200.00 with $50.00 deposit Optional: $20.00 for half day/single run, 4 mile trip on the Kern River Sign up: Parent BBQ May 27, after May 27 on Sunday mornings… Continue Reading

Gospel Vaccination is a Bad Thing

(Post by the inveritable Jay Hobbs) “When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (Colossians 3:4) There’s certain times when I notice a sort of Gospel vaccination in myself. It’s like I’ve got just enough Gospel truth on my mind and in my heart to render the… Continue Reading

Don’t Waste Your Summer

Summer…the smell of fresh-cut grass, lemonade, sunscreen, and boat fuel mixed with water brings me back…back to the days when I spend my summers growing up on Timberlake, the lake I lived beside.  We had a floating dock with a basketball goal attached and diving board that my dad had built.  Every summer day was… Continue Reading