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Category Archives: Senior High

Senior High Category

The Question-Box App

Friends, We want to know the questions that you have!  We know that you have some important questions that your not sure how to think through…ask us and let’s work through these as a community. To ask a question, go to: www.danielmaddie.com/box There’s also always going to be a link to the right hand side… Continue Reading

Forty Days of Water

Join the Sr. High community at Northpoint as we cut back on our Starbucks/soda/energy drinks/and more to be able to help bring clean water to our friends in Uganda. Together, we will be cutting out drinks we don’t need so that we can set that money aside and give it to “Blood: Water Mission”, a… Continue Reading

California Idols: Success

The movie, “Chariots of Fire”, is one of my favorite movies.  It makes me want to go run every time I watch it.  This movie tells the true story of runner Eric Liddell, a man who loved God and was a gifted runner.  Liddell is known for refusing to run on a Sunday during the… Continue Reading

Californian Idols

No…I’m not Simon and we’re not singing about anything on the ground. “Californian Idols” is the name of a weekly series that will show up on this blog.  Every Monday, we will be focusing on a different cultural idol:  Success, Money (a.k.a. “cheddar”), Sensuality, and More.  The goal of these blog posts is to think… Continue Reading

Senior High Music Video Scavenger Hunt

Date: Saturday, February 27th. Where:  Meet at Northpoint Time:  6-10:00pm Cost: $5 Get out your mullets, leather pants, gold chains and Join the Northpoint Sr. High community on Saturday, February 27th, for our first ever Music Video Scavenger Hunt.  We will be teaming up and taking over Corona on Saturday night to see which group… Continue Reading

Engage Project 2010

I’m excited to tell you about something new we are doing in our Sr. High community that I think will make a huge impact on our lives.  God transforms and changes us through His Spirit working through His Word.  For us to be transformed and for our hearts to be changed, we need to come… Continue Reading