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Category Archives: Sermon Notes and Slides

Sermon Notes + 8.27.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.27.2023 SERMON NOTES One Man Should Die for the People John 11:45-56 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The aftermath of Lazarus being raised from the dead should have resulted in widespread belief in Jesus, but John notes that a mix of reactions occurred, leading to a more concerted attempt to prevent people… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 8.13.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.13.2023 SERMON NOTES If You Love Those Who Love You Matthew 5:46 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The love of God surpasses all human love but forms the basis of who and how Christians are to love. Jesus tells His followers that loving those we are predisposed to love is a worldly… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 8.6.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 8.6.2023 SERMON NOTES He Whom You Love Is Ill John 11:1-16 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: During a brief interlude where Jesus has left Jerusalem, He is informed that Lazarus has become ill. John tells us that Jesus is especially close to Lazarus and his family, namely Mary and Martha. Jesus instantly… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 7.9.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 7.9.2023 SERMON NOTES I Give Them Eternal Life John 10:28 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The scene changes in John’s Gospel with Jesus at the Feast of Dedication, but the theme from the previous passage remains the same. People want a clear statement from Jesus as to whether or not He is (or… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 7.2.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 7.2.2023 SERMON NOTES No One Will Snatch Them Out of My Hand John 10:22-29 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The scene changes in John’s Gospel with Jesus at the Feast of Dedication, but the theme from the previous passage remains the same. People want a clear statement from Jesus as to whether… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 6.25.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 6.25.2023 SERMON NOTES The Good Shepherd John 10:1-21 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: The differences between the ministry of Jesus and that of the Jewish leaders are starkly contrasted as Jesus, using imagery familiar to the people of His time, describes the difference between good and bad shepherds. Good shepherds are authorized… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 6.18.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 6.18.2023 SERMON NOTES Though I Was Blind, Now I See John 9:8-41 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus’s healing of the man born blind was such a dramatic miracle that people who knew the man could hardly believe he was the one who used to sit and beg, while those who opposed… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 6.11.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 6.11.2023 SERMON NOTES He Saw a Man Blind from Birth John 9:1-7 Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor Overview: Jesus and His disciples saw a man who was blind from birth, which raised the question about the cause of his blindness and led to the miracle enabling him to see. The disciples treat the… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 5.28.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 5.28.2023 SERMON NOTES Why Don’t Some Believe? John 8:31-59 Taylor Mendoza, Pastor of Students & Adults Overview: Why don’t some people believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ? This question and more are taken up in our passage this morning. Jesus had previously been teaching on the Mount of Olives but then worked… Continue Reading

Sermon Notes + 5.21.2023

DOWNLOAD PDF 5.21.2023 SERMON NOTES I Am the Light of the World John 8:12-30 Tyler Van Horssen, Director of Student Ministries Overview: In John 8, Jesus makes a bold claim about His divinity, calling Himself the light of the world. This serves as a thesis for the rest of the passage, as this self-claim had… Continue Reading