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Category Archives: Uncategorized



AWANA is an acronym taken from 2 Timothy 2:15: “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” Awana is a Northpoint mid-week ministry for kids pre-K through 6th grade. Children interact with trained leaders through games, handbook, and council time each week. We meet Wednesday nights (September-May) at Northpoint Church from 6:30 p.m.-8:15 p.m. Join us for the… Continue Reading

Women of the Word

Women of the Word

Women of the Word is a weekly, in-depth Bible study that blends formal Bible teaching with small group time for discussion, accountability, fellowship, and prayer. WOW is offered in both the day and evening: Tuesday evenings, continuing September 17, at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday mornings, continuing September 18, at 9:00 a.m. (Child care is provided on Wednesdays without charge.)… Continue Reading

NP All-church Online Assessment

NP All-church Online Assessment

Hello Church Family, Time is running out! The NP Church All-church Assessment concludes THIS Sunday. This is an online tool that everyone will participate in to gather information, shape our vision, describe our values, and see how God is working at Northpoint. Complete online before midnight Sunday (Monday morning!). Paper copies must be turned in to… Continue Reading

NP Church Online Assessment – THIS Sunday!

NP Church Online Assessment – THIS Sunday!

The NP Church Assessment Process begins THIS Sunday! This is an online tool that everyone will participate in to gather information, shape our vision, describe our values, and see how God is working at Northpoint. Your link to the Assessment will be in this Sunday’s resource folder and in a special all-church email this Sunday morning.… Continue Reading