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Category Archives: Womens

Womens Category

40 Years

I read a quote this past week when studying the crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus.  “It only took one night to get the Israelites out of Egypt, but it took 40 years to get Egypt out of Israel.”  Wow!  Man, I definitely feel like that sometimes. Has God ever led you through something,… Continue Reading

All You Who Are Weary

Let me task you with something.  Let me ask you to talk to the people who surround you and ask them how their Christmas was.  Ask your family.  Ask your coworkers.  Ask the delivery guy who drops off your packages, the cashier at the store, the lady who cuts your hair, and the woman behind… Continue Reading


As we get ready to learn about the passover, I find myself looking at the circumstances through a familiar lens – that of firstborn.  I wonder how I would have looked at things if I were there as the firstborn of my parents.  I have to think that I would have paid very careful attention… Continue Reading

Think Before You Compromise

As we read through Exodus, I am struck at how similar I am, and I think we all can be, to the Israelites.  We grumble and complain.  We want things to go the way we want them when we want them.  And when the going gets tough, we forget that our God has proven Himself… Continue Reading


Psalm 103:14 says, “For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.” Phew!  I was starting to stress!  For awhile there, I thought I had God fooled.  I must have!  If He called me, made me His own, then I must have been able to pull the wool over His eyes!  Because if… Continue Reading

The High Road?

Do you ever find yourself basing your determination of God’s will for your life on a feeling of peace? Or on what is easy? Or on what feels comfortable? Of course you do! Why wouldn’t we expect that when life is comfortable, that has to be God’s will for our life right then! I know… Continue Reading

The Cost of Following Jesus

What do we do with the portions of the gospel where Jesus tells His followers that they should hate their family?  Or that they should follow Him instead of burying their father?  Or that even saying farewell to family is too much to ask?  We see throughout the Bible that family is important!  We see… Continue Reading

I Need to Get to Jesus

Do you remember the story about the woman who touched Jesus’ robe?  Do you remember the details?  Jesus was walking through a crowd, heading to a centurion’s house because his son was sick and dying.  Luke tells us that as He walked along, people were pressing in around Him.  But a woman, who had been… Continue Reading

The Parable of the Sower

We’ve all heard the parable.  A sower was sowing his seed.  Some fell along the path and was trampled, some fell on the rock and withered away, and some fell on the thorns and was choked out.  But then some fell on good soil, and it was blessed and grew abundantly. This parable used to… Continue Reading